News for October 27 — Fourth COVID Shot for Immunocompromised

Fourth COVID shot for immunocompromised: . So the third shot recommended in August for Moderna and Pfizer recipients completes the original vaccination. Immunocompromised people had an inadquate immune response to the first two jabs. Now, it turns out their protection wanes over time, so the fourth dose constitutes their first booster. This shot will be given 6 months after the third, so February 2022 at the earliest.

Lowest state COVID new case rate is … Florida?: . However, the facts on the ground strongly indicate this is a temporary reprieve. The anti-science suggestion that DeMentis’ policies somehow contribute to this current lull is ridiculous.

New Orleans drops mask mandates: . Together with the previous article, this does suggest that COVID moves in 2 month waves in response to humans cyclically reviving and relaxing restrictions.

NYC firefighters union tells members to defy vaccine mandate: . We know mandates are legal. What is the point here?

Meatpacking COVID cases and deaths 3 times previous estimates: . WSJ: More: .

Could mild COVID cause psychiatric illness in teens?: .

FDA panel recommends Pfizer vaccine for kids 5 to 11: .

Judge blocks county opt-out for school mask mandates, saying it violates ADA: . Other courts have made similar rulings.

Liver transplant demand up 50%: . Excessive drinking during the pandemic has triggered the surge in demand.

Inexpensive antidepressant may help reduce COVID severity: . The anti-inflammatory properties likely benefit many COVID patients early in the disease.

WSJ: Merck licenses Molnupiravir to nonprofit for production in low-income countries: .

US donates almost 5 million vaccine doses to Africa: . About 75% of the doses will go to Egypt.

COVID surges in Singapore: . Note that Singapore has vaccinated more than 80% of its population.

Sweden offers third COVID shot to the most vulnerable: .

GOP remains divorced from reality: . So, I really have no idea what these people are thinking. Basically, this raises some questions about “thinking”.

More ammo recovered from Baldwin movie set: . The FBI will test this ammo to determine if it includes other live rounds. WSJ: More: .

China tells Evergrande billionaire to pay company’s debts: (link replaced 11/30/21). The math on this doesn’t work.

The offensive nature of the Atlanta Braves’ name, logo, and Indian chop: . To me, Atlanta’s use of Braves, the tomahawk and chop is just as offensive as the former names of the Cleveland Guardians (coming to baseball next season) and the Washington Football Team. While the word “brave” has positive connotations in English, the use of the tomahawk and chop demonstrates the racial stereotype. Racial stereotyping is offensive, period. The same applies to the Florida State Seminoles and their chop, even though the tribe sanctions the use of their name.

WSJ: Meanwhile, new DNA technique confirms great-grandson of Sitting Bull: .