News for July 17 — Florida’s Pandemic of the Unvaccinated

Florida’s “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated”: . Florida now represents 20% of new COVID cases in the US. It’s another fine job from Governor DeMentis. But this part of the Orange Julius playbook won’t help DeMentis’ fantasy of being elected president. More from the Sunshine State: .

“Pandemic of the Unvaccinated” quote attributed to CDC director: . Others have said it as well, but one hopes that the facts will at least give some of the unvaccinated pause.

Vaccination is science, dammit!: . Amen, brother. One exasperated Democrat I know refers to the current situation as natural selection – improvement of the gene pool.

US military reaches 70% initial-dose vaccination: . Bravo to GOP representative Kinzinger for calling out his colleague’s ridiculous “pandering”. It is remarkable that any congressperson could be so incredibly uninformed.

CRISPR technology used to create COVID antivirals: . This strikes me as a very promising treatment approach. Can’t the “years” timeline be accelerated? We have previously reported on CRISPR-based COVID testing.

Texas Democrats bring breakthrough COVID infections to Congress: . The news is the news, but this stream of breakthrough infections in high-visibility people just encourages vaccine skeptics. WSJ: More: .

Facebook tries to spin its way out of misinformation: . “Spin” doesn’t work well when you start with an idiotic premise. The Biden administration is rarely the source of misinformation. However, Facebook’s business model is to broadcast the ramblings of every single member. Its policing mechanisms are admittedly too slow to prevent misinformation from going viral. So get real, Mark.

French join Death March: . This takes the anti-science lunacy to new heights, promoting it by gathering in large crowds. The photo shows precisely two people wearing masks. Delta is coming for you.

Social Security’s largest problems: . These problems have been with us for quite a while. As the baby boom population bulge moves from work to retirement, and lives longer, the problems get worse. You either have to increase inflow (raise taxes) or decrease outflow (cut benefits). The easiest way to improve the balance is to tax all wages, not just those up to a certain dollar amount. This also raises taxes only on higher wage earners, which is an additional tax policy benefit. To learn more about the financial effects of various reforms, play The Social Security Game at: .

WSJ: Is Medicare expansion coming?: . This could be extremely popular with voters, even Grumpy Old People. More: Senator Warner steers the spending package: .

Poll: Americans oppose GOP voting reforms, support Democrats’ voting reforms: . So is anyone surprised that voters prefer more access to voting? Meanwhile, the GOP continues on the path to intellectual bankruptcy. They march behind Orange Julius, but he doesn’t know where he’s going. My vote is lodging involving an orange jumpsuit.

WSJ: The expanding uses of gallium: . Science marches on.