News for June 12 — Florida Ignores COVID Vaccine Mandate

Florida ignores COVID vaccine mandate: . As the article notes, the feds have the ability to evict noncompliant hospitals from Medicare and Medicaid funding. Florida’s response is that the penalty is so severe the feds won’t apply it. You just can’t make up this level of stupid.

US failed to inspect infant formula plants due to COVID: .

Beijing bar COVID outbreak now linked to 166 cases: .      This is up from 26 two days ago. More: .

Average US gas prices exceed $5 per gallon: .

Senate negotiators reach tentative gun control deal: . WSJ: More: . This completely inadequate glass of water won’t do much to stop US gun violence. But it does constitute movement on a decades-long deadlock. The legislative process has always been compared to making sausage. Now we make sausage out of schoolchildren. Apparently we will need more slaughters of our little ones to get closer to a meaningful result.

Don’t forget what the green sneakers mean – the little girl was so shot up by the AR-15 that her parents could only identify her from her sneakers: . You do not need to know anything else to know that this weapon should never be in private hands. Never.

How Orange Julius tried to void America’s vote, Round 2: . More: .The Monday morning hearings will hammer away at any hint of an idea that OJ could have won the 2022 presidential election. And further, so many people told OJ he lost that he could not reasonably believe he won.

Remember, Biden beat OJ to a pulp (yes, an orange pun) in the electoral vote, 306 to 232. This is essentially the same electoral vote by which OJ beat Hilary in 2016, 304 to 227, with 7 electors voting faithlessly. OJ, by the way, claimed this was the largest electoral margin in history – absurdly wrong. OJ also lost the popular vote margin in both elections. Biden received over 81 million votes, by far the largest vote for a candidate in US history and 7 million more than OJ.

DeMentis: Hate speech and hate actions: . Of course Florida’s leading ass is angling to become the GOP’s follow-on to America’s leading ass, Orange Julius. Presumably they teach this leading Supreme Court constitutional law case at Harvard Law School: . In short, Ron DeMentis knowingly follows in the steps of American Nazis. We’ve seen this movie before. But it has never been part of mainstream American thought. That is the evidence, not just an opinion.