News for December 14 — First US Vaccine Shots

First US vaccine shots: . Hopefully a major turning point in the fight against coronavirus. Note from the Grinch: Smallpox is the only virus that has been eliminated from the global human population, and there was no animal reservoir for that virus. And I remain concerned about mutations.

London faces COVID the Ripper: . There seem to be logical inconsistencies in this reporting. Apparently the British identified a new strain which they say is leading to the rapid growth in cases. Wouldn’t that suggest the new strain is more virulent (aka COVID the Ripper)? They have the genetic sequence (that’s why it’s a new strain) so they can tell immediately whether the mutation hits the portion of the virus’ genetic code used in the mRNA vaccines.

Lastly, increased virulence would likely imply an alteration in the spike protein. The mRNA vaccines use the exact same section of the virus’ genetic code. My point is there appears to be enough information available to answer the questions left unanswered here.

Allergic reactions slow UK vaccine shots roll-out: .

COVID “portrait”: . This is an interesting attempt at a big picture. I do think we know more about COVID than captured here, for example the bradykinin hypothesis. However, this article does raise the issue of a furin cleavage site. As far as I can tell, the jury is still out on the importance of this feature: . This article is technically dense, but the last paragraph seems to verify that current evidence is inconclusive.

US wild animal has COVID: . Obviously, this is not good.

Santa may have infected 75 at Belgian nursing home: . As far as I’m concerned, whatever happens here the Santa inviter is guilty of gross negligence and potentially negligent homicide. This kind of stupidity makes my blood boil.

No significant flu activity in the 2020-21 season so far: . The link is to the CDC tracking page. As foreshadowed in the Southern Hemisphere, flu activity may be limited this year. Greatly diminished travel and social interaction, and mask wearing are all involved. The threat of a US “twindemic” is receding.

WSJ: COVID’s lessons for schools: . Some study of results is warranted before large-scale reform starts. I’d like to know, subject-by-subject, where online schooling is succeeding or failing. Which students are likely to fall behind, and why. There also needs to be detailed assessment of how this period has affected social skills. Lastly, when in-person attendance fully resumes (next fall?), how long does it take for students to recover from deficits? This could tell us a lot about effective, efficient education.

Trump nixes early vaccinations for White House: . What? It’s reported elsewhere that Trump’s willing to take the vaccine early to build vaccine confidence. Plus he’s had the disease and has access to VIP care. So why is there no reason to protect senior staff? I guess there have been so many cases at the White House they’re approaching herd immunity. If this is Trump’s idea to make himself look saintly, I doubt anybody’s buying the Saint Stinky ploy.

WSJ: Boeing: We can’t seem to grasp why safety is a priority we have to honor: . Remember, Boeing is moving production to South Carolina to save money. The poor quality control is consistently in Charleston.  Seattle production is union, South Carolina is nonunion. The fools running this company do not seem to realize that year after year of mistakes in Charleston will cost them the entire company.

“Dis” Barr resigns, de-parts December 23: . Barr is an utterly dis-gusting political operative who should be Dis-Barred. Professionalism doesn’t mean diddly if the legal profession cannot dis-associate itself from someone who was able to singlehandedly trash the rule of law he was sworn to uphold.

Electoral College elects Joe Biden: . The election is – once again – over. As the article mentions, Republican Congresspersons may object to the electoral result. That process will fail and – once again – the election will be over.

More leadership from what’s-his-name: . Seriously, who are you kidding? People are suffering while Republicans have stonewalled the public on aid for over 6 months – 6 freaking months. And Americans don’t like priority for liability protection: .

Just after I read the above articles, I watched a Biden supporter thank you event (you know, on my press pass) where Joe and Kamala took questions. At the end, Biden was asked what he was looking forward to doing as fun in the White House. Part of his answer was, “Just mundane things … having the Secret Service sneak me in to my grandkids’ sporting events … don’t you just like making someone smile?” How did this guy win by only 7 million votes? After all, he was running against a dumpster fire. Democrats have a lot of work to do.

The Alternate Universe is filled with sore losers: . Well, at least they’re focused on really important issues. GOP now means Grumpy Old People.

Michelle Obama defends Jill Biden against WSJ’s lack of editorial judgment: . WSJ’s fact reporting is adequate to use in this newsletter (with supplementation). The editorial board is a complete disgrace. The publication needs to come with a warning label. More: .

Florida player remains critical: . This note creates concern about his brain activity level. Really hoping for a positive outcome for this young man.

Reality Xmas from SNL: . Here is the antidote for holiday car commercials.