News for October 26 — FDA Panel Supports Pfizer Child Vaccine

FDA panel supports Pfizer child vaccine: . WSJ: More: . And more on Moderna’s vaccine trial for children: .

WSJ: Incentives don’t move vaccination rates: . This research misses the target. Messaging over the pandemic reflects a long-term campaign. Obviously it was counterproductive to have anti-science messaging during 2020. That politicized a public health issue and created and deepened resistance. The first step in reversal was to maximize vaccinations among the most vulnerable. The next step was to vaccinate the willing.

This unfortunately did not create sufficient momentum to approach universal vaccination. The next step had to be incentivizing voluntary vaccination. This did move the needle a little, but more importantly it paved the way for targeted mandates. Because of the highly contagious nature of the coronavirus, it became increasingly clear that some form of mandate would be necessary to protect the workforce and the public.

The mandate targeting reflects excellent legal thinking. The ongoing resistance of GOP governors has been an appalling display of placing personal power over the safety of the governed.

Louisiana governor lifts indoor mask mandate, except for K-12 schools: .

WSJ: Lilly requests FDA approval of its Alzheimer’s drug: . This action finds its motivation in the questionable FDA approval of Biogen’s Alzheimer’s drug.

Abbott signs bill banning transgender girls from participating in women’s school sports: . Abbott burnishes his GOP Neanderthal credentials with repression. The GOP tosses out another cowpie likely headed to court.

January 6 defendant says insurrection was a disgrace, OJ should be ostracized: . It would have been helpful for him to figure this out earlier, like January 5.

Brazilian Senate urges criminal charges against Bolsonaro for his role in pandemic: . As the attorney general has discretion over whether to move forward, and he has previously protected Bolsonaro, everyone expects prosecution will not move forward.

Russia, Ukraine continue to set daily death records: .

More on Tom Brady’s “Deflate-Gate II”: . So even Brady agrees the deal was unfair to the fan who gave the ball back. Tom’s now tossing in a bitcoin, and the team is also giving two season tickets for this season and next. Still, not $750,000. Also, the fan would like to play a round of golf with Tom, so apparently he’s not physically impaired. This is still a bizarre statement on our culture. P. S. I’m wondering if the comment about the fan being a resident at Largo Medical Center could have meant that he was a medical student completing his residency.