News for October 15 — FDA Advisors Endorse J&J Booster

FDA advisors endorse J&J booster: . This is somewhat good news/bad news for J&J. The panel questions whether the J&J vaccine should have been a two-shot vaccine all along (I agree). But the next question is whether it should be used in situations where there is a significant chance there won’t be a second vaccination (for example, homeless people). I think the answer here is still yes. These problems will sort out as experience with the vaccines grows. WSJ: More: .

FDA advisors to re-examine myocarditis risks before authorizing Moderna vaccine for adolescents: . Given the urgent need to vaccinate adolescents, this creates a significant advantage for the Pfizer vaccine.

Unvaccinated 11 times more likely to die from COVID: . Of course, living in a state with a GOP governor has a significant correlation to being unvaccinated. So more than a little blame belongs to the governors.

Statins may slightly reduce COVID death risk: .

The first positive news on the US abject failure to make COVID tests available: . It is certainly arguable that the only thing worse than no COVID test is a false negative COVID test.

US to lift travel restrictions for vaccinated foreign visitors starting November 8: . This will have a positive effect on the US economy fairly quickly. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: More on the Great Resignation: . One hopes this significant realignment will strongly benefit workers and their job satisfaction.

WSJ: Commission on the Supreme Court holds first meeting: . This is looking like a nothing burger. Since Congress has changed the number of justices in the past, they clearly have the power to do so. Professor Tribe appears to have given the most substantive presentation, but he may be too bold for the other commission members. Professor Tribe has argued many cases before the Court, so I would give his opinion more weight than the pure academics.

Clean electricity program may be cut from reconciliation bill: . WSJ: More: . Washington insiders know that bad news is often released late Friday to reduce its visibility. That lends additional credibility to this cut, which would be a major victory for Manchin and his coal state.

WSJ: Trading improprieties cloud Powell’s renomination as Fed chair: .

WSJ: DOJ to take Texas abortion law ruling to Supreme Court: . DOJ has decided to bypass additional argument at the Fifth Circuit, which seems wise.

The GOP serves up breakfast in Virginia: . Yes, it’s OJ and Toast, because that’s what Glenn Youngkin is after this boneheaded OJ stunt. Election Day is November 2, so there is not enough time for Youngkin to recover in this purple-going-blue state. WSJ: However, Democrats still need to get out the vote: .

But OJ tells his followers to skip breakfast: . This works for me. When will more members of the GOP decide to abandon the Trumptanic?

It’s time to mess with Texas: . So in addition to having an anti-science mass murderer as governor, Texas has a school leader asking teachers to present opposing views on the Holocaust. The proper remedy is immediate termination of this despicably ignorant person, followed by voter dismissal of the despicably self-centered jackass who killed Grandma.

And then this from Texas: . Note that there is a rapidly widening gap between the Texas GOP and Texas’ largest corporations. This cannot be good for GOP prospects in the future.

More on the indictment of former Boeing pilot over misleading feds on 737 MAX: . WSJ: More: . I think the defendant’s lawyer has hit on an appropriate strategy. Pinning this mess on one employee seems far-fetched in an industry where safety and over-engineering are paramount.

Southern Baptist leader resigns after internal divisions over sex abuse investigation: . This strikes me as interestingly (and appallingly) parallel to former Pope Benedict’s situation. All churches should come clean on sexual abuse in their ranks. To do otherwise profoundly violates the trust the flock places in their leadership.

WSJ: China says Evergrande risk can be controlled: . With Chinese government statements, you have to look for subtleties. This statement suggests they will let Evergrande fail. We also know that other developers are in serious trouble and may also fail. And after two weeks, there is no word on the major Evergrande deal. Despite the fact that China has 1.4 billion people, it appears to me that significant overbuilding of marginal projects occurred here.

British lawmaker stabbed to death meeting his constituents in a church: . Earlier reporting indicated that the suspect, 25, was a British citizen of Somali origin who converted to Islam. WSJ: More: . Still more: .