News for June 4 — Facebook Bans Orange Julius for Two Years

Facebook bans Orange Julius for 2 years, eliminates politician exception to moderation rules: . WSJ: More: . OJ plans on doing political rallies around the country. The expectation is that this will involve little if any policy discussion. In other words, it will be a “Complain About the 2020 Election” tour. We can only hope that after the first event or two, news coverage will move on to actual news. OJ will appear at a North Carolina event tomorrow: .

CDC concerned about rising COVID hospitalizations of adolescents: . What stands in the way of vaccination is political or religious belief. As far as I’m concerned, this is an unacceptable reason to endanger children.

WSJ: US COVID daily death rates drop below 500: .

US COVID vaccination rates by state: . The differential we saw between red and blue states in the early data has held up.

Florida halts daily release of COVID data: . The ridiculous games-playing continues.

COVID makes “Mission Impossible” filming impossible: .

South African woman with HIV had COVID for 216 days: . As previously reported, COVID causes longer infections in people with compromised immune systems. There is substantially increased risk of virus mutation. This woman, age 36, exhibited 32 mutations of the COVID virus.

US economy gains jobs, but below expectations: .

WSJ: US interest rate outlook: . More: .

WSJ: Ransomware threat compared to 9/11: .

G7 near deal on global minimum corporate tax: . This will re-establish the US’s global leadership on tax policy.

Insurrectionist promotes insanity defense: . Again: Her posts prove she is insincere. Again: Rule #1: Do not piss off the judge.

Law firm disassociates itself from the My Pillow guy: . So, look. The attorney filed the case without getting preclearance under the firm’s rules. He is a labor lawyer, not an elections expert. The firm does not want its business exposed to crackpot legal filings and controversial clients, so they fired the lawyer. Case closed.

WSJ: Examination of Giuliani documents set: .

Grand jury probe of Orange Julius focuses on financial dealings: .

OJ property values plummet: . It appears that buyers are gambling that the name will come off the building. Meanwhile, other potential buyers are staying away because they do not want their name associated with Orange Julius. “Many people who bought recently refused to have their name used in this article.” How bad is it? The three names the article includes are Derek Jeter (retired from the Yankees in 2014), Johnny Carson (DIED in 2005!) and Liberace (DIED in 1987!!). That is astonishingly bad, even for OJ.

US soldiers mistakenly raid equipment factory during training in Bulgaria: . How do you make this kind of mistake? US intelligence is clearly not what it used to be.