News for November 22 — European COVIDiots on Respirators

European COVIDiots on respirators: . These morons somehow did not see the memo that more than 5 million people have died during the pandemic. Essentially, they’d rather risk death than get vaccinated from one of the safest vaccines ever. And they probably had all the standard childhood vaccinations.

WSJ: High federal employee compliance with COVID vaccine mandate: .

Harris announces $1.5 billion investment to improve healthcare access in underserved communities: . The White House has a long way to go to make Harris look like an active partner in this administration.

Holiday pandemic ratchets up: . This “better off than last year” attitude needs to go away. Yes, we have many people now vaccinated. But we also have (1) over 60 million COVIDiots who remain unvaccinated; (2) the Delta variant, which is much more contagious than the 2020 strains; and (3) rising case numbers even before the start of the holiday season. People who ignore medical science and the facts do so at their own risk, and ours. This is both irresponsible and ignorant.

Tens of thousands of Belgians gather to protest COVID restrictions: . I should correct my comment above. These people are irresponsible, ignorant and irrational. I smell superspreader.

WSJ: The Austrian lockdown: .

Israel kicks off child vaccination campaign: . So 13% of Israel’s population is ages 5 to 11.

Russia’s daily COVID deaths remain high: . Since cases are dropping and deaths are a lagging indicator, Russia’s surge seems to have passed its peak. However, Russian vaccination rates are low. One would expect another surge, probably about 2 months out.

Jerome Powell reappointed as Fed chair: . WSJ: More: . Meanwhile, bonds drop on Powell renomination: .

Airline passengers behaving incredibly badly: . So one passenger drank his own alcohol on the plane, smoked marijuana in the lavatory and sexually assaulted a flight attendant. This behavior screams premeditation. Presumably multiple criminal charges await this passenger.

The OJ paradox: . So, this is still 3 years away. Even if the GOP wins one or both houses of Congress next year, Biden is still president. The GOP currently has no policy positions on anything. I do not see any circumstance in which OJ can be re-elected. However, again, the 2024 election is 3 years away.

Judge orders two lawyers to pay legal fees in frivolous “Big Lie” lawsuit: . Barring a technical issue not discussed here, the appeal also appears frivolous. These clowns are running some risks with the higher courts. Contempt is a possibility given the case so far. Disbarment is another. Remember, Rule #1 is Don’t Piss Off the Judge.

WSJ: Iffy bilingualism in Canada: . The guy’s last name is Rousseau and he’s lived in Montreal for the past 14 years. How could he possibly be so dense?

Peng Shuai concerns continue: . To avoid penalizing the athletes, the IOC should hold the Olympics, but outside of China. Peng Shuai is certainly a concern. But what about the Uyghur “re-education” camps? WSJ: More: .