News for May 21 — Epstein-Barr Virus Link to Multiple Sclerosis

Epstein-Barr virus link to multiple sclerosis: . This research is about a year old, and previously reported here. However, here is the latest research, from a source called “The Press Rundown”:

“Researchers examined the blood samples of 713 people with MS and 722 healthy individuals and found that the antibodies produced to fight the EBV infection, known as EBNA1, can also bind to a protein called CRYAB in the brain and spinal cord. When these antibodies bind to the CRYAB proteins, they may damage the nervous system and lead to MS symptoms. The misdirected antibodies were detected in about 23% of people with MS and 7% of those who were healthy. The study also found cross-reactivity among T cells, indicating that they may also contribute to the disease.”

In pursuing (unsuccessfully) a direct link to the latest research study, I learned some things about EBV that were new to me. EBV is a herpes virus. It is the cause of mononucleosis, a very infectious disease which heavily struck my residential college and was believed to have been transmitted through the student dining hall (improper sterilization of glassware).

Most people are infected with EBV early in life. However, it remains dormant in the body and usually does not cause symptoms. The more severe symptoms of mono typically occur in teens or young adults who are first being infected with mono at that age.

Health benefits of vinegar: . While most readers are likely generally aware of these potential benefits, this article gives detailed information on the effects of acetic acid on the body.

Flu vaccination for birds recommended: . The logic here escapes me. If countries are willing to have their citizens eat vaccinated birds, where is the science on this? Presumably studies have found it is not dangerous to eat these birds. Then what is the reason for any country to ban the import of these birds?

WSJ: Face mask mandates disappear at many hospitals: . Yes, mandates have fallen away as the political will is to end them, regardless of medical advice. How did the Journal choose as its example the Grants Pass clinic? Grants Pass is well-known in the West as the home of survivalists. You know, the folks who have bomb shelters in the woods stocked with dried food and ammunition. Of course that clinic has dropped masking requirements.

As research-free as that WSJ article was, check out this next blooper:

WSJ: How to choose a health plan: . This is essentially a data-free article about a data-driven subject. On the bright side, rarely have I seen so much hand-waving in print.

So suppose you are someone trying to choose a health plan. What did you learn from this article? You learn you might save something like $3,000 in premiums annually on a plan with a $4,500 annual deductible. This is helpful? And the idea is that you gamble? How does this help a reader looking at a $3,000 annual deductible with a $1,500 premium savings? What are the plan terms involved? One more question: How did the author become a professor at Harvard?

Okay, one more question: Why is the Conference still buying this rag for its members and supporting Rupert Murdoch? It’s really no more than a stock tout sheet with articles that are late to press and often inaccurate. I’ve read the Journal for decades. The deterioration in its news-gathering capabilities is a shame to watch. But it is a fact, and we need to pull the plug.

China excludes Micron chips: . China says the chips pose an unspecified security risk. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: China’s debt problems: .

UN Secretary-General suggests revision of Security Council and Bretton Woods: . These UN institutions reflect the political and economic realities of 1945. The chair of the Security Council rotates and is currently held by Russia, which is bizarre given their ongoing invasion of Ukraine. Also, many countries are dissatisfied with a world economic system dominated by the US dollar. Here is background on Bretton Woods: . WSJ: Our response is … fantasy propaganda?: .

Zelensky denies Russian capture of Bakhmut: . The fog of war seems rather thick right now. Intelligence has confirmed that fighting continues around Bakhmut, so the Wagner claim remains uncertain. UPDATE: Zelensky admits Russian control of Bakhmut: . WSJ: More: . Still more: .

WSJ: US lags in use of advanced explosives: . We have had procurement and weapons development problems for decades. We have done very little to address the problem, obviously.

Debt ceiling talks shift gears – from neutral to … neutral: . Right now the best outcome seems to a last-minute deal that everyone hates. Ah, democracy in (in)action …

Michael Block, club pro, has miracle hole-in-one on last day of PGA Championship: . By finishing in a tie for 15th, Block is automatically eligible for next year’s PGA Championship. For a 46-year-old club pro, this is a life-changing event. Oh yeah, and also Brooks Koepka wins the championship, becoming one of only 20 golfers to win 5 major tournaments: . WSJ: More: .