News for May 13 — Ditch the Mask Outside; Vaccinating Young Teens

Ditch the mask outside: . As to the woman in the third photo, she’s inside. More importantly, it makes sense to wear the mask in the city when you’re rapidly alternating between indoors and out (shopping, for example). And at least in Portland, some people have worn masks outside pre-pandemic. Asian tourists are one example; people with allergies are another. The Mt. St. Helens eruptions in the early 80’s were another example (bank robberies doubled in this period).

Update: CDC eases mask guidance: . The problem is that every jackass who doesn’t want to wear a mask or get vaccinated will now stop wearing a mask. We are nowhere near herd immunity. The likely result is another surge in cases. This feels like politics getting into science again. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Vaccinating young teens: .

Vaccines don’t cause infertility: . Stupidity roams free on the Internet.

But COVID may cause ED: . The reasons for getting vaccinated continue to grow. Apparently the virus can linger in penile tissues. This puts an entirely new spin on “long COVID”.

How scary are variants?: . Well, some of this is true. Vaccines do have some efficacy against the variants, and the key issue is preventing severe cases. But we also know that some vaccines are not effective against some of the variants, and that new variants continue to emerge. We should be able to address the issues with variants by targeted mRNA booster vaccines. We do not know what production strains this will cause when the boosters come online.

The argument over booster shots: . We just do not have enough information to answer this question yet. However, booster shot production should be part of the planning now.

WSJ: The long-term business risks of patent waivers: .

WSJ: Research progressing on cause of blood clotting from vaccination: .

A new research avenue: interrupt the “frame-shifting event” in coronavirus replication: . So far, the researchers have not identified an antiviral drug with sufficient potency to be therapeutic.

No MO HealthNet?: . So Missouri voters amend the state constitution to expand Medicaid, and the legislature and governor just ignore them? Why does this even need to go to court? The legal answer is obvious, and you’d think the political answer would be too. And remember, this expansion is 90% permanently funded by the federal government. This is an economically stupid move by the Missouri Republicans.

Controversy over whether coronavirus can alter human genes: .

WSJ: Weekly jobless claims continue decline, 473,000: .

Israeli troops mass on Gaza border: . We have seen this movie before. Gaza is small, and certain targets can only be taken out by ground troops. If the Palestinians thought Israel’s divided government would respond weakly, they were dead wrong. Update: WSJ: Ground operations have begun: .

Gaza pandemic may surge: . More terrible news may be coming to the Gaza strip.

WSJ: NYC seeks to bury its dead: . We are reminded once again how chaotic pandemic conditions are. Given India’s cultural preference for cremation, we will never accurately know the scope of the current tragedy.

More on the black fungus: .

Modi damaged by (mis)handling of COVID: . WSJ: More: . There is no easy exit from the current crisis.

WSJ: China faces population contraction: .

WSJ: The Boeing saga continues: .

WSJ: Biden keeps Senate Republicans in the policy loop: . This gives them something constructive to do in the Senate while the circular firing squad continues in the House. And Biden is keeping his dedication to bipartisanship in the face of long odds. There is also increasing momentum for a bipartisan bill on reform of military procedures around sexual assault: . The participation of the Senate Republicans who sit on the committee and heard the testimony is a very positive development.

Newsome recall looks foolish: . This article is overly generous to California Republicans. This was an idiotic idea from Day One. The Republicans never identified a viable candidate. Given the national party’s hate campaign, how does any transgender candidate run as a Republican? The base will not turn out. In related news: . Oh, and Californians aren’t happy with the Republicans either: .

WSJ: 2020 polling results the most inaccurate in 40 years: . This is a pretty big black eye for the polling industry.

Oh, oh, Domino: . Gaetz, Greene and the America First tour may in fact be going away: .

Loose cannons on deck: . No sane person would suggest Liz Cheney run for president, which has to make you wonder why Liz Cheney would even imply such a thing. I don’t see how she gets re-elected to the House in 2022, even if Orange Julius is convicted of something by Election Day.

Orange Julius prosecutors circle the carcass: .

The issues with an Orange Julius indictment: . This is amusing speculation, but it would seem to be political suicide for DeMentis to refuse a valid extradition request. This is respect for the rule of law at its most basic. More: . Judge postpones Minneapolis cop trial: . This seems questionable. Did the judge consider that 2022 is an election year? And no one is forgetting George Floyd. Update: Later reporting indicates that the judge postponed the case to allow the federal civil rights charges to go forward first. This makes much more sense: .