News for December 28 — Diabetes Drug Reduces Long COVID Risk

Diabetes drug reduces long COVID risk: . This important news will hopefully bear fruit in the struggle against long COVID.

China’s COVID tsunami worries world: . As we have noted repeatedly, the mortality figures China is reporting do not make sense given that cases are in the hundreds of millions.

Chinese travelers need COVID test to enter: . WSJ: More: . Following a number of other countries, the US will require Chinese travelers to have a negative COVID test result before entering the US. However, this report from Italian officials should scare the bejesus out of everyone: .

Retired pope’s health “worsening”: . As Benedict is 95, and retired 10 years ago purportedly over health concerns, time seems to be running out. WSJ: More: .

Investigations open around Rep-elect George Santos: . WSJ: More: . Follow the money. He solicited campaign funds under false pretenses. But the mystery of the $700,000 loan to his campaign described here yesterday seems central to this. What if he was angling to repay himself a loan that never existed?

FTX bankruptcy: Sam Bankman-Fried may have plea deal: . Given that his partners have already taken plea deals, SBF would be wise to a deal if offered.

WSJ: Southwest Airlines continues its self-destruction: . The airline seems likely to owe hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation to displaced travelers. Southwest is perhaps to only major airline not to operate on a hub and spoke basis, and it is killing their staff and plane availability currently. WSJ: Outdated systems are another problem: .

Avatar 2 passes $1 billion in global box office in just 2 weeks: . So this means the film is halfway to its break-even amount of $2 billion. Avatar 2 cost $400 million to make. However, its new animation techniques are said to be spellbinding.