News for April 23 — COVID Vaccines and Tinnitus

COVID vaccines and tinnitus: . As the article notes, a quarter of all adults suffer from tinnitus. As such, to the extent there is a link, it seems more likely that the vaccine triggers an underlying vulnerability.

Why mifepristone must stay on the market: . Mike Pence makes it simple for us: science versus religion. Under the Constitution, science is supposed to win, because we have separation of church and state in this country. The opinion that human life commences at conception is a religious belief. Roe’s concept of viability as an important dividing line was both supported by science and an outstanding political compromise.

Speculation that Ukrainian troop positions suggest spring counteroffensive is near: . Well, maybe. Prior to last year’s offensive, the Ukrainians sent initial deployments to areas away from their intended targets in order to trick Russia into reinforcing the wrong areas. I do agree that at some point Ukraine will try to cut the current land bridge from Russia to Crimea through occupied Ukrainian territory. WSJ: More: . The Journal’s “experts” do not add much to the conversation here. Still more: .

Putin fires Pacific Fleet commanding admiral for refusing to send his sailors to Ukraine: .

WSJ: Sudan power struggle: .

Fox’s net cost of Dominion settlement may be around $600 million: . This guestimate assumes that insurance could cover $100 to $500 million and that Fox will be able to deduct the cost of the settlement. However, deductibility involves a number of assumptions, including that Fox pays very substantial taxes. As to insurance coverage, that ignores the possibility that the policy has an exclusion for bad behavior. Also, companies that stick another insurer with a 9 digit loss can expect much higher insurance premiums going forward.

Lastly, costs include attorneys’ fees and reputational damage. Some advertisers may choose to no longer advertise on Fox and as suggested previously here, consumers may choose to boycott the leading advertisers on Fox.

Fox Not-the-News host “stupefied” over green energy: . Sigh. She asked, “How do we report the news and not lose our brains?” As she chose to work for Fox-Not-the-News, clearly she has very little to lose.

WSJ: Orange Julius rape trial begins this week: .

SpaceX rocket craters launch pad: . Engineering brought to you by Boys with Toys that Go Boom.

Bed Bath & Beyond bankrupt: . Simply put, this company has been mismanaged for years and could no longer stay afloat. WSJ: More: .

Disney dragon float catches fire at Disney World: .

Ken Potts, one of the last two survivors from the USS Arizona, dies at 102: . Unlike some other survivors, Potts decided against burial with the ship. Potts said he got off the ship once, and didn’t want to go back on board.