News for April 1 — COVID Third-Leading Cause of Death

COVID third-leading cause of death in 2020: . CDC’s estimate of 2020 COVID deaths is 377,883 based on death certificate data. With respect, we know that’s an undercount. CDC says as much, noting the limited testing at the start of the pandemic, but the problem is much deeper. The proper focus is understanding excess deaths for 2020. Here is a link to the report summary: .

More on COVID-19 breakthrough cases: . This is mostly reassurance to the public, and does not discuss variants. Variants are the main issue.

WSJ: Vaccine demand increases with broader eligibility: .

More bad news on the plant that ruined 15 million doses of J&J vaccine: . J&J says it will meet its US delivery schedule. WSJ: More: . Still more: .

Germany says people under 60 who have had first dose of AstraZeneca should have second dose of another vaccine: . This is a complete disaster for worldwide distribution of the AstraZeneca vaccine. Skepticism is now “embedded” for this vaccine in the global population.

Another problem for worldwide distribution: . The European mess is strengthening the vaccine diplomacy of Russia and China.

FDA allows Moderna to put more doses in each vial: .

WSJ: UK’s first dose gamble: . I wonder if the UK might adopt the German mixed dosage approach. The answer would seem to be no, based on the national pride associated with the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine.

Pfizer vaccine effective against South African variant: . This raises the possibility that the Pfizer vaccine is effective against a range of variants. WSJ: It’s also effective for at least 6 months: .

Variants drive surges: .

UK variant spread worldwide for months before detection: .

Highest levels of UK variant are in Florida, Michigan: . And of course with spring break Governor DeMentis has exported this problem to the rest of us.

Michigan sees spike in those under 20: . This is an avoidable mistake. We have known for some time that the variants are more infectious in children than the original strain. The CDC advice on schools was outdated when it was issued.

US allows two more at-home over-the-counter tests: . WSJ: More: .

Too many berries can lower your blood glucose: . I eat fresh berries daily, as many people do. This is surprising and important information, especially for diabetics.

Fauci defends Birx: . No. Hell no. You don’t get to be a professional part of the time. If you don’t stand up, you are a collaborator. In this case, by her own testimony, Dr. Birx was collaborating in more American deaths than World War I, World War II and Vietnam combined. All this news article does is lower my opinion of Dr. Fauci.

Pre-flight testing is not mitigating the COVID risk: .

WSJ: Will US approve IMF plan to extend pandemic borrowing to poorer nations?: . It looks like we will.

The global surge includes the US: . This ongoing effort to reopen too early has prolonged the pandemic. When are we going to figure this out? The next pandemic? Remember, we did not pay attention to this lesson FROM THE 1918 PANDEMIC: .

France’s surge is huge: . We are messing with the Devil with the UK strain.

Same for Turkey: .

The surge in Iraq: .

WSJ: Weekly jobless claims rise to 719,000: .

WSJ: We love your story, Suez Canal: . And we will not give you up.

Virginia Supreme Court says Charlottesville can remove Confederate statues: . It should always be permissible for a government to remove poison from the body politic. Otherwise, Virginia would be chained to 1861.

Gaetz scandal deepens: . While I disapprove of conviction by leak, the level of detail coming out indicates very serious issues. Use of campaign funds and/or drugs will likely be prosecuted. Gaetz’ interest in fake ID’s is a very bad indicator for a 38-year-old congressman. WSJ: More: . The Journal’s reporting seems rather circumspect.

WSJ: The “Arch Egos” meltdown: . A rather shocking detail is that Mr. Hwang lost $8 billion in 10 days. Some expect a bankruptcy filing shortly.