News for November 20 — COVID Surges in Upper Midwest

COVID surges in Upper Midwest: . With major travel and Thanksgiving coming this week, the surge will likely grow.

COVID mandates stress some small business owners: . The rule is intended to improve workplace safety. Forcing out the unvaccinated improves safety at that location.

COVID in zoo animals: .

European protests over COVID restrictions spread: . WSJ: More: .

COVID cases hit record in Czech Republic: .

2021 COVID deaths exceed 2020 both globally and in the US: . WSJ: More: . And we still have 6 weeks of 2021 ahead.

Russia hits record COVID daily deaths again: . However, cases appear on a downward trend. This very long surge reflects low vaccination rates among Russians (who distrust the government) and the questionable efficacy of their Sputnik V vaccine.

Gun discharge in TSA check at Atlanta airport: . How stupid do you have to be to have a loaded weapon in your carry-on? If this was an “honest mistake”, you’d let the guard finish the search and take your medicine. Not Kenny, who knew the gun was loaded, caused it to fire while seizing it from the TSA, and then fled the airport with the gun. Kenny is 42. Would you bet Kenny is black or white? We should know soon enough. I’m asking because I have a guess, and I’ll guess you do too. Hint: In addition to being remarkably stupid, this public behavior is violent and defiant.

Update: Kenny is a convicted felon, if that changes your guess: .

Will Russia invade Ukraine?: . So COVID seems like enough to worry about. World War III is never an appealing option.

Nebraska has lowest unemployment rate of any state, ever: . 1.9% is remarkably low. However, population growth is limited to Nebraska’s cities.

Alan Page and his 1906 Buick: .