News for November 11 — COVID Surges in High Vaccination States

COVID surges in high vaccination states: . This article contains both important information and faulty logic leading to poor conclusions. The major logic fault is to equate percentage increases to a COVID surge. States starting with a lower base of cases have a larger percentage increase when 1,000 new cases hit than do states with larger bases. Duh, right? But this article makes that error and misleads as a result.

Also, our vaccination rates are nowhere near adequate to prevent further COVID surges. So the term “high vaccination state” is a relative one. A recent discussion in this newsletter provides the math on our unvaccinated population.

The important information is that almost three-quarters of seniors eligible for a booster have not had the shot. We will have more deaths among seniors unless their booster percentage increases before the holidays. The booster is particularly important for seniors, where protection wanes over time. And Thanksgiving is in two weeks.

Colorado governor makes all adults eligible for COVID booster: . WSJ: More: . So this is the right thing to do. Actually, since Abbott and Costello-DeMentis argue their stance against mask mandates is based on freedom to choose, shouldn’t they do the same thing?

WSJ: 11-year-olds should not wait to get vaccinated: . This reasonable question has a direct answer: don’t wait.

Novavax to seek FDA approval by year-end: . The Novavax vaccine is approved for use in Indonesia. Novavax is ramping up to deliver vaccines there in the first quarter of 2022.

WSJ: Schools weaken mask policies: . Since when are there other priorities besides protecting the kids? The mother of the Down’s child has a point, and the child’s rights under ADA are probably being violated.

WSJ: COVID test kits recalled: . We continually find new ways to screw up testing.

COVID in deer populations: . While this newsletter has reported on the deer pandemic previously, this article highlights an additional concern. Could new variants emerge in the deer population and be transmitted to humans? Given the size of the deer population, and that we hunt and eat them, retransmission seems likely. Further, other deer populations are likely susceptible to COVID, and at similar high transmission rates.

As we have argued for some time, there is already a significant animal reservoir of the COVID virus. This research raises the depressing possibility that the animal COVID reservoir represents a significant ongoing health threat to humans and other animals.

OJ gets brief reprieve from document release: . Despite the delay, OJ still has no argument to prevent release. He is a former (Hallelujah!) president. Executive privilege is only available to the current president, who waived it on these documents. Perhaps the court refused summary judgment just to give OJ another day in court, and increase the probability that the Supreme Court will not hear this case. However, the Chief Justice oversees this circuit, so a further appeal may head to him.

WSJ: China moves to contain real estate contagion: . More: . An overdue adjustment beats staying a dangerous course.

Armistice remembrance in France: . So I recognize that woman – Kamala something. She emerges from her cocoon in France? I’m still betting on the fly.

FW de Klerk passes: . WSJ: More: .