News for May 26 — COVID Raises Children’s Diabetes Risk

COVID raises children’s diabetes risk: .

XBB.1.16 causing 15% of US COVID cases: . Because the total number of cases is dropping, this variant’s slow percentage growth indicates it is not a major threat to cause a new US COVID wave. WSJ: Also, this variant faces targeting in the fall vaccine: .

Judge suspends new South Carolina abortion ban: . This is a narrow, procedural ruling. The judge feels the proper place for review is the state Supreme Court. The only reason an appeal has a chance (and it’s a good one) is that the only woman on the court has retired since its January 2023 ruling invalidating the previous abortion ban. I have frequently lamented COVID decisions based on politics rather than medical science. The political disease is now growing in judicial appointments. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Musk brain implant gains FDA approval: . I will not be among Neuralink’s first 5 million customers.

Paul Krugman “terrified” of implications of US default: . We enjoy the benefits of having the dollar as the global currency. We should never jeopardize those benefits over internal politics.

UK will keep raising interest rates to lower inflation: . Whether it’s a global or “two axes” economy, it’s important that your trading partners and allies fight inflation when you do. Most Western central bankers are singing the Fed’s tune. We have a lot of juice, and we will screw that up royally with a default.

Debt ceiling deadline extended to June 5: . WSJ: More: . Also, more filler on progress: .

WSJ: Inflation accelerated in April: . I now think the chances of a 25 basis point increase are 65% in June and 100% by the July meeting. The process is now data driven, and this is bad data in the inflation fight.

Russia’s Kinzhal missile is fizzling: . Two points: (1) Our Patriot missile system is definitely helping the Ukrainians; (2) Still, the Russian missile attacks are inflicting serious damage because of the quantity, and more importantly because they shoot at almost any civilian target in the country. It’s very difficult to protect everything.

WSJ: Sweden’s NATO membership hinges on extraditing people to Turkey it doesn’t know: . The security of the West is being held up on this? My theory is that Turkey is angry because Swedish meatballs come from Turkey. It’s true: .

The Ken Paxton impeachment: . Here’s the latest description of the upcoming process in this barrel of snakes. This article clarifies that impeachment causes Paxton’s immediate suspension until the Texas Senate completes its trial. However, as this is coming in the last days of the legislative session, we do not yet know when the trial would occur. The vote will apparently occur today or Monday, so we will learn the details soon enough. UPDATE: The New York Times reports that the impeachment vote will start at 1 pm Saturday. This tells me they are serious about pulling the plug on Paxton ASAP. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: North Dakota governor to enter GOP presidential race: . Polling indicates only 3 people in the US outside of North Dakota can name this guy (Hint: it’s “mug rub” spelled backwards). But the guy could win North Dakota’s primary, because he knows every voter in the state personally.

Judge Mehta sentences two more Oath Keepers to prison: . Judge Mehta is apparently overseeing all of the Oath Keepers cases. This helps the government in proving seditious conspiracy charges against members of the group. The more senior person here received 8½ years, while the other received 4 years. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: SEC pays $279 million to Ericsson whistleblower: . No bakery in the world makes this much dough in a year.

Southwest Airlines pilot forced to climb through cockpit window to enter locked plane ready to depart: . Guarantees are rare in this life. However, I can guarantee you’ll never see this footage in a Southwest commercial.