News for March 1 — COVID Mistakes We Keep Repeating

COVID mistakes we keep repeating: . This newsletter has hammered on the public health mistakes we keep repeating during the pandemic. This writer identifies 5 messaging mistakes we keep repeating. As social behavior drives the pandemic, the writer’s message may be the most important set of mistakes made in extending the pandemic. However, the COVID message must still reach an intelligent listener. After the mask booing at CPAC, we may not have that in the US.

CDC: Please stay vigilant: . The variants are an enormous risk. We have seen these waves elsewhere. And we do not have effective contact tracing. Our control mechanisms are very limited.

CDC: 10% of US adult population now fully vaccinated: .

More on the J&J vaccine: . Variants continue to be the major unknown in the pandemic’s progress. The ability to adjust the mRNA vaccines is our major “rapid response” opportunity to beat variants that evade the current vaccines.

Oregon’s latest lottery is for vaccines: . As a native Oregonian and booster, may I say this is the nuttiest thing we’ve ever done. The over-65’s just became eligible today. This added 250,000 people to the shot-seekers. I logged on at exactly 9 am, and tried continuously until breaking through at 9:06 am.

I immediately clicked on the appointment offered, but was told the time had already been taken (it was for noon Sunday). Fortunately, I got the page to reload within 5 seconds, and was offered an appointment at 6:30 pm Sunday. This click worked, but I was given 15 minutes to complete the (extensive) appointment information. The elderly who do not work regularly on computers are at a significant disadvantage, as appointments ran out in 10 minutes.

Why has testing slumped?: (link replaced 5/4/21). Another reason is that we have failed to properly educate the public about the importance of testing.

WSJ: The origins of the pandemic: .

Prevalent symptoms of the UK variant: . The UK variant has a somewhat different symptom mix than the original virus. These differences are important as the UK variant is expected to become dominant in the US by the end of March. This also raises the symptom mix question for other variants which are emerging – the South African, California and New York variants, for example.

WSJ: Broad UK vaccination is saving lives: .

The New York variant expands its reach: .

Pfizer petitions to distribute its vaccine at less restrictive temperatures: .

WHO “strongly advises” against hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID: . The drug has shown no benefits in treating COVID, and raises the risk of adverse side effects. Enough already.

And here’s the latest hydroxychloroquine: . Of course the dosage is larger FOR A HORSE!

WSJ: Spring break in the pandemic – again!: .

Democrats get serious about governing: . The larger political story here is the important one. The House is now initiating legislation intended to be law. Before it was a Democratic wish list going to its death in the Senate. And Pelosi has her hands full with a narrow majority.

Making sausage: . We will have a bill. The process is ugly.

WSJ: Business view of the minimum wage: .

Is there a Plan C to raise the minimum wage?: . The basic problem is that the federal minimum wage ($7.25) has not been raised since 2009. If it had been properly indexed, it would be $15 or more by most estimates.

The 2020 federal poverty level for a family of 4 was $26,200. Assuming 2,000 hours worked, this is $13.10. If the minimum was set to $13.10 and indexed to the federal poverty level, many problems would be solved. In the future, Democrats could ask for the minimum wage to be set at 115% of the federal poverty level for a family of four. This works out to $15.07, indexed from 2020.

WSJ: The rent crisis grows: . Millions of tenants translate to billions of dollars each month.

Largest Texas power cooperative files for bankruptcy: . More are likely to follow. And ERCOT has essentially put Griddy out of business. WSJ: More: . Still more: Texas PUC chair resigns: . This is an incredible failure of deregulation. The litigation seems likely to last for years. Elon Musk moved Tesla to Texas in December. Three months later, this doesn’t seem too visionary.

Mars is a hellhole: . The author views Musk’s mission to colonize Mars as a spoiled nouveau rich kid’s exploitation of the cosmos. I agree. Mars is the only earth-like planet within humanity’s reach. We ought not to screw it up before we learn how to fix the damage we’ve done to this one.

Supremes toss latest Sidney Powell fabrication: . Did you ever have a stalker girlfriend, and you hid in the bathroom while she was banging on the front door? This feels like that.

Prosecutors detail Proud Boys’ actions on January 6: . I have long wondered when training millions of young Americans in military tactics would come back to bite us in the ass. That question has been answered.

Today’s Tiger Woods news: