News for September 26 — COVID Hospitalizations Decline Slightly

COVID hospitalizations decline slightly in most recent week: . Down is good, but one week doesn’t prove much.

Molnupiravir may cause COVID mutations: . Merck believes this study concerning Molnupiravir makes unwarranted assumptions.

WSJ: New antibiotics needed but unprofitable: .

WSJ: Fed rate hikes begin to sting consumers: . This of course is the purpose of Fed rate hikes – to slow economic activity and thereby slow inflation. But we do not have solid evidence yet that consumers are slowing down.

Crypto sector continues to face challenges: WSJ: .

WSJ: US home prices up 1% in July: .

China’s business environment continues its slide: WSJ: . The risk of global recession grows. The question is how will this affect US economic strength. We don’t have consistent answers on the current level of consumer savings: .

Is Russian Black Sea fleet commander dead? Maybe not: . Despite many reports yesterday, this newsletter wondered there was adequate evidence of Sokolov’s death. Now there is apparent Russian evidence that he remains alive. However, there are also suggestions that the video was doctored to insert Sokolov’s image. Stay tuned.

Senate introduces bipartisan continuing resolution to fund government into November: . There is some question about passage because Rand Paul has threatened to delay a vote. If the bill passes the Senate, the question is whether Kevin McCarthy will bring the bill to the floor. If he does, it is likely the bill will pass with bipartisan support. However, the Freedom Caucus may then try to oust McCarthy as Speaker.

House GOP finally advances 4 appropriations bills: . This is a small win for McCarthy, but it does nothing to avert the shutdown.

House GOP to investigate Energy Secretary’s EV trip: . Seriously, Comer is failing in his Biden inquiry and now grasps at anything which makes him look competent. This silliness has the exact opposite effect. How about focusing on the impending shutdown your tribe is causing?

Supreme Court tells Alabama legislature to go away: . The Court told Alabama what to do. Alabama didn’t do it, and then appealed again to the Supremes, just a few months later. This is as blatant a violation of Rule No.1 as you can get, and the Court’s rejection without comment tells them so. You’ll get one of the special master’s maps, and live with it. Also, take a nice warm cup of shut the hell up, you anti-democratic racists.

New York judge grants partial summary judgment to AG Letitia James in civil fraud trial: . “Partial” is the correct legal term, but this is an almost complete victory for the NY Attorney General. Orange Julius loses his business licenses in New York, and independent receivers will take control of the 3 limited liability corporations covered by his order. OJ apparently will never do business in New York again. Note that the judge also financially sanctioned 5 OJ attorneys.

Because of the massive difference between the actual property values and the values claimed by the OJ Organization, there really is no effective route of appeal. Even attacking the judge is not viable based on the undisputed financial information. The trial beginning October 2 is now reduced to determination of the appropriate level of fines. The AG claims $250 million, and it now seems likely the final result will be in 9 figures.

WSJ: We take OJ’s side: . The Journal cites OJ attorney Chris Kise, who argues that the banks say they weren’t hurt, so what’s the big deal? That is not a valid defense to fraud, which here involves violating state regulatory requirements for personal gain. That explains why the judge sanctioned Kise, but the Journal offers no explanation for the judge’s actions.

WSJ: What to watch in the second GOP presidential debate: . As I understand this article, the debate is a sideshow with a bunch of long-shots who aren’t going anywhere. So there really isn’t anything of interest to watch.

Biden joins UAW picket line: . If you look at how Hilary lost in 2016, it was the loss of the so-called Blue Wall across the Rust Belt. Biden is showcasing his career-long advocacy for union members to shore up his restoration of the Blue Wall in 2020. Orange Julius, meanwhile, says the real issue is the export of these jobs to China. As stated yesterday, this fear tactic is as usual astonishingly ignorant. The real question is, will these workers get job protection and retraining as the industry switches to EVs? WSJ: More: .

OJ shows no political judgment in his foray into Michigan: . Today, Biden is the first sitting president to join a picket line. OJ is going to Michigan Wednesday to a GM plant – but a NON-UNION plant. It’s no surprise the UAW president has come out strongly against OJ. More: .

This is an utter fail in all union households, but it is also a fail in non-union households. Workers support other workers on strike, and right now that’s the UAW employees. Also, in most non-union households, Dad or Granddad was a union member.

This will not be forgotten, and Biden has absolutely shored up his blue collar support in Michigan and Pennsylvania (and elsewhere) with this trip. This reinforces my view that OJ can only win if (A) Biden’s health fails; or (B) a non-fringe third party candidate emerges. The No Labels people need to pack up their tent.

WSJ: Our analysis of persuadable voters: .

Biden’s dog bites 11th Secret Service agent: . This is ridiculous. Get a competent trainer to work with the dog. In the meantime, muzzle the dog.

WSJ: Hunter Biden sues Rudy Giuliani over violation of personal privacy: . The Journal may not like it, but Hunter has a point. As Rudy faces bankruptcy, there may little to gain here except protection against future violations of Hunter’s rights. But apparently, Hunter can afford it.

Cassidy Hutchinson nukes Matt Gaetz over dating claim: . Hutchinson is completely credible in her statements, and Gaetz is not. Game, set, match to Cassidy.

Tasmanian tiger’s RNA recovered and reconstructed: . As background, the Tasmanian tiger was actually a carnivorous marsupial, the last survivor dying in 1936. As the article explains, DNA is stable in museum specimens and can be recovered. However, that alone is not currently enough to understand an animal’s biology. The animal’s RNA, which is less stable, interacts dynamically with DNA, showing which genes are turned on or off. The recovery of RNA makes “de-extinction” much closer.

Science is the way. But some scientists don’t understand science: . The reformation of a supercontinent has previously been predicted by models, so that is not new. The suggestion that this event will wipe out the human race is truly absurd. The human race is going to wipe itself out in the next 100 years if it does not control and reverse the emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. That is, we must learn how to control the atmosphere, and quickly. We then have 250 million years to apply that knowledge to the formation of a supercontinent. What a stupid study …

WSJ: Scientists ask to retract room-temperature superconductor study: . This is painful, but it is the way science is supposed to work.

WSJ: The use of AI to write scripts: . However, writers have won some protections under the new contract: .

Riverside County sheriff’s deputy caught transporting 104 pounds of fentanyl: . The evidence of his cartel connection seems obvious. The department was investigating a drug ring when it learned of the deputy’s involvement. He drove to an “identified narcotics stash location” in Victorville (which is in San Bernardino County) and thereafter was stopped with the drugs in his car.

January 6 defendant “preparing for war” gets 4+ years: . Based on Mr. Badalian’s performance in court, he’s nuts now, and will still be nuts when he gets out.

College football bowl “projections”: . It’s TDE (too damn early) for this, but now we have a marker for what actually happens in December and January. For my part, I will “predict” (guess) that the Orange Bowl will not feature Duke and Penn State, and Texas will not play in the Rose Bowl. Let’s see what happens.

Nelson Mandela’s granddaughter Zoleka Mandela passes at 43: . “Zoleka” means “the peaceful one”.

Brooks Robinson passes at 86: . WSJ: More: .