News for August 22 — COVID Disease Severity in Florida

COVID disease severity in Florida: . As has been typical in this pandemic, we have testimonials rather than statistical data. However, some observations may be made. Part of the reason illness is now striking younger people is that older people have higher vaccination rates and are generally more careful in their personal behavior. Also, many older people live alone and have limited interactions with others.

We are likely still undercounting cases, because 40% or more of infections are asymptomatic. This percentage increases in younger age groups. Additionally, many people do not go to the doctor’s office or emergency services for mild symptoms due fear of exposure to COVID in other patients.

Hillsborough County now has over 13,485 people in quarantine after re-opening schools: . What message does Governor DeMentis think he is sending here?

Meanwhile, Louisiana struggles with citizens behaving badly: .

WSJ: Child hospitalizations rise in South, Midwest: . It doesn’t take Sherlock Holmes to figure this out. However, I’m not sure people understand that spread among unvaccinated children is going to lead to more cases among their parents and teachers.

FDA warns people with no horse sense: . At best, you’ll accomplish deworming. Who would do this but not take a vaccine shot? Also, this problem cannot happen without the Internet. Allowing anybody to publish anything has some major downsides.

The anti-vax nuts threaten executions: . Excuse me, this is quite obviously criminal intimidation. Walmart should have filed charges.

Eviction moratorium receives increasing complaints: . As mentioned repeatedly here, the moratorium is a real burden for small landlords (and large ones, too). The failure to get the federal funds dispersed has unnecessarily compounded the problem. And we can expect many personal bankruptcies from the renters who are behind.

WSJ: Public transit has a problem: . Yes, but isn’t a big part of this remote work?

How many whites are there?: . Sorry, but this misses the mark in a number of ways. Yes, we have changed the way we count. But that is an effect, not a cause. People are changing the way they self-identify. The number of people who self-identify as Native Americans has grown considerably compared to my childhood. That is because (1) many people view this as a positive now, rather than a negative. (2) Tribes now include people according to heritages that may be as low as 1/16 Native American. (3) There are financial benefits to belonging to many of the tribes, including a share of casino profits.

WSJ: As remote work extends to 2 years, it looks more and more permanent: . Studies generally show that workers are more productive when working remotely. Are bosses concerned that their premium pay may no longer be justified?

Wisconsin food stamp spending up during pandemic: . The statistics are useful, but not the commentary. The MacIver Institute bills itself as “The Free Market Voice for Wisconsin”.

WSJ: Bitcoin miners flee China: . Two points for your consideration: (1) While bitcoin may be virtual, there is a lot of physical infrastructure involved; (2) Bitcoin miners currently use more electricity than Argentina! What’s wrong with this picture? For one thing, this is not eco-friendly.

Orange Julius booed by supporters at Alabama rally for saying they should get vaccinated: . Smooth move, OJ. The Moron Movement now has its own momentum.

Now Mike Lindell pitches the 2021 version of the Second Coming: . Obviously no one in the OJ orbit considers how disrespectful this is to the tribe members. Lindell is really a worse version of PT Barnum.

WSJ: The Afghanistan evacuation: . More: .

MLB’s 500-homer club welcomes Miguel Cabrera: . Apparently he ate his Wheaties this morning, and a lot of mornings in the past.

The science behind Hubble’s successor, the James Webb Telescope: . This very informative article will bring you right up to date on NASA’s challenges and objectives with this tremendous new instrument. NASA plans the telescope launch for November or December.