News for July 1 — COVID Cases Explode in Britain

COVID cases explode in Britain: . Once again, the pandemic is not over. Yes, I grind my teeth every time I have to type this …

Monkeypox cases triple in Europe: . Uh-oh …

WSJ: Insurers begin publishing medical care prices: . Transparency just took a significant step forward.

Confusion over frozen embryos: . This article’s brief comment merits expansion. Some of these state laws are very old, even predating Roe. IVF was unknown at the time these laws were passed. Every one of these laws needs to be amended, whether in a currently blue or red state.

The resolution of this problem is obvious if you think broadly. These fertilized eggs are not going to become life without implantation. The people who created them were preserving the potential for life, not committing to implantation. As a result it is ridiculous to treat these fertilized eggs as actual life.

Gee, what would be the obvious dividing line? Clearly, it is not “conception”, which IVF shows is a broader idea than the Bible conceived of (pun intended). The obvious line is viability to live independent of the mother or any artificial device. This solves the IVF problem created by the current low-quality minds on the Supreme Court.

Should we ever have a majority of well-educated people on the Court again, Roe should be reinstated. Indeed, Congress could do this if there was ever a 60 vote majority of well-educated people in the Senate who were focused on something other than preserving their own power.

Data on the impending recession mounts: . I would add that recession fears become a self-fulfilling prophecy. We’re there, folks. More: . WSJ: More: . With respect, some of these people seem to be denying the data in front of them. Liz Ann Sonders has the most realistic comment here. 

Is Russia running low on weapons?: . So this does look like an admission of weakness. But as we have said all along, Russia cannot compete with the Western supply line feeding into Ukraine.

Are there a military revolution occurring over the use of armored vehicles?: . I agree with the author, current armor is being outmoded by smart weapons (and stupid Russian generals). But also, I hope the US is rethinking how to defend its aircraft carriers. This revolution makes carriers look more and more like sitting ducks.

Will former White House counsel Pat Cipollone testify?: . So everyone assumes Cipollone will support Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony. While she was an extremely credible witness, people should recognize there is an assumption here that could prove wrong.

Pushback against OJ allies trying to discredit Cassidy Hutchinson: . She is getting support from other quarters, however.

The OJ haters have the knives out: . I agree with most of the observations in this article. However, the January 6 hearings are not complete, and everyone expects more blockbuster revelations. OJ’s future is not that clear at the start of July, but it will be much clearer by the end of this month. I expect that the failure of OJ-endorsed candidates in November plus the election fraud case in Georgia could seal the deal, if the January 6 committee does not.

Another visitor gored at Yellowstone: . Yes, readers, I agree with you, this is yet another example of natural selection. WSJ: More: .