News for February 26 — COVID Came from Wuhan Market

COVID came from Wuhan market: . We await publication of the two studies. But isn’t it possible that a lab worker caught the infection at the lab and then visited the market? So we need to see what evidence for the market is provided by these studies.

What is the mortality risk from breakthrough infections?: . We note that Omicron just emerged in the last few months. Its breakthrough capacity is significantly different than prior variants. As such, it is no surprise that there is insufficient information to assess the current mortality risk from breakthrough infections.

WSJ: COVID booster shots slowing: .

Public health threats in Ukraine: .

Ukrainians continue strong resistance to Russian forces while the West continues to ramp up sanctions: . And: . More: . WSJ: More: . Still more: . The West is hellbent on isolating Putin to warn China off of Taiwan. At best, as previously mentioned, Russia will end up as a client-state of China. And the Chinese hate the Russians. Checkmate, Vlad. On the bright side, you may be able to vacation in North Korea. But I wouldn’t leave Russia for too long.

Meanwhile, Russia is being monitored by the International Criminal Court for war crimes: . Here’s an alternative: a vacation with paid accommodations. Well, at least Orange Julius thinks you’re a genius. That’s the reward for being the second-stupidest world leader in the 21st century.

Russia may have planned for swift victory: . Supply line problems could hamper the ground forces.

Ukrainian women and children become refuges: . The men cannot leave, but many are ready, willing and able to fight.

Will sanctions work?: . The West will continue to ramp up sanctions until they work. Again, the Chinese hate the Russians. They will extract a serious price for any support they give Russia.

WSJ: Russia sanctions will hurt Europe: . So the war may create over a million refugees into Western Europe, and the Journal focuses on the effect of sanctions? Congratulations to the Journal for once again completely missing the point.

WSJ: We’re still thinking of Nixon, and gosh, China is tilting toward Russia: . The Journal is taking “out of touch” to new heights. Among the many basic points they miss is that Russia is a declining power. China just sees Russia as a pawn, and one they may well come to dominate as the West pulls the plug.

But, says WSJ, Europe’s energy dependence on Russia makes strong sanctions impossible: . How freaking stupid can WSJ be? There are considerable fossil fuel resources available in North America and in the Middle East. The current energy imbalance can be rejiggered by next winter, and it will be. And China buying all of Russia’s gas and oil will be seen by the rest of the world as violating the sanctions regime.

Web vigilantes target Russian government sites: .

Germany will send weapons directly to Ukraine: . Clearly, Putin has made some “vlad” calculations. WSJ: More: .

Did the Snake Island Ukrainian patriots survive the Russian attack?: . But to believe they did, you have to believe the Russian media. Good luck with that … I’d like to believe it’s true.

SNL tribute to Ukraine: . I typically take a short break from the newsletter to get a chuckle from SNL on current events (it airs live at 8:29 pm in Portland). But what greeted viewers tonight was this heart-breaking tribute to Ukraine and Kyiv.

Kim Jong Un: Hey, look at me! Look at me!: .

GOP calls Ketanji Brown Jackson “a radical, left-wing activist”: . Really? She graduated with honors from Harvard and edited the law review at Harvard Law School. Paul Ryan says she’s extraordinarily capable. She’s been on the federal bench for almost 10 years. So I guess the GOP brass will do anything to tear down a Black woman without using the N-word. The GOP brass is just a bunch of A-words.