News for August 18 — COVID Booster Shot Location Matters

COVID booster shot location matters: . Such a simple question, but no one has asked it before. Since immune response comes from the lymph nodes, re-stimulating the same lymph nodes does create a stronger immune response. This simple insight appears to significantly improve vaccine performance.

Egg-freezing is a thing: . It’s also expensive, and has no guarantee of success.

WSJ: More on China’s data manipulation: . This article is long. It is neither insightful nor helpful. Survey data is a crappy substitute for accurate government reporting. China’s government has chosen to suppress data, and as a result we have less of a window into their economy. This is dangerous for the global economy. The sooner we move to the “two axes” economic model of global trade, the better from a Western economic standpoint. The problem is, will China then become more belligerent?

US, Japan and South Korea expand security ties: . This is an extremely important long-term development which hems in the US’s main competitor for world leadership, China. WSJ: More: . Even the Journal recognizes the importance of this increased cooperation, if rather begrudgingly.

Hurricane Hilary endangers US Southwest: . WSJ: More: . Yes, says the Journal, but what about the e-mails?

WSJ: Potential grows for Chinese property market meltdown: . More: Prepare for a weaker Chinese currency: .

US allows F-16 deliveries to Ukraine: WSJ: . It remains baffling as to why the US did not allow training of Ukrainian pilots sooner. If we had, the F-16’s could add meaningful capabilities to this year’s Ukrainian counteroffensive.

WSJ: What happens if Putin falls?: . This article is way too small-minded. At some point, Putin goes, whether by revolution, coup, or death by old age or otherwise. At that point, Russia becomes China’s client state, specifically its gas station. Any questions?

Orange Julius skips first GOP debate: . There is no upside for OJ to be there, and plenty of potential downside. Also, with OJ absent, more guns will be trained on Ron DeMentis, which is to OJ’s benefit. WSJ: More: . Meanwhile, the GOP has failed to operate a credible primary process.

Federal judge trashes OJ appeal of E. Jean Carroll verdict: . There is no basis for appeal here. The immunity claim assumes attacking women prior to becoming president is somehow shielded by winning the election. That is absurd on its face. There is also no reason to delay the trial.

Alina Habba, OJ’s lawyer here, graduated from Widener University Commonwealth Law School, rated No. 159 in the US News rankings, which is very close to the bottom. Ms. Habba was apparently one of their poorer students, and I don’t mean monetarily. She’s already violated Rule No. 1 multiple times with Judge Kaplan, as the harshness of his language demonstrates. Apparently she’s trying to make enough money from OJ’s contributors to feather her nest for when her career flames out.

FBI joins investigation of threats against Georgia OJ grand jurors: . There are situations where transparency is not a good idea. This is one, obviously.

Can OJ et al move the Georgia case to federal court?: . As stated here previously, it’s not impossible but “not likely”. Again, overthrowing a state’s election is something the state has the right to prosecute, and no federal office has any official duty associated with overthrowing the government.

Proud Boy skips out of house arrest, warrant issued: . This will add several years to Christopher Worrell’s 14 year sentence when he is returned to custody. Even if he somehow manages to flee the United States, there aren’t many places where he can avoid extradition.

More on DOJ sentence recommendations for Proud Boys leaders: . This tracks with The Washington Post reporting provided yesterday but gives the exact year recommendations for each leader.    WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Our math expert does not have a clue about mathematics: . This article is flat-out ridiculous on a variety of levels. Mathematics absolutely does provide the one “right answer” in most non-theoretical applications, and it makes no sense to teach anything else as the first step. Once you understand this, you can then seek out why this is true and when it is not. Those are the building blocks of understanding in mathematics, and they will never change.

WSJ: AI expert fears for the future of humanity: . Thanks for jumping on the bandwagon. Do you have any practical suggestions for regulating AI?

Rage against the machine: United pilot goes berserk, attacks parking lot arm with ax: . One surmises that the lot was unattended.

NASCAR suspends two drivers for DUI, and another member for failing to register as a sex offender: . NASCAR is a sport if you define sports as something not requiring a brain … these arrests don’t have the romantic appeal of running moonshine …