News for June 15 — COVID Booster Gets Fall Update

COVID booster gets fall update: . This is the appropriate course, and updated vaccines are already available. WSJ: More: .

China hiding COVID deaths: . Yes, of course they are. The new information is that they’re now no longer releasing cremation data. My hope of calculating COVID deaths from excess data is fading.

Does bacteria cause endometriosis?: . Growing evidence suggests it does. Other evidence suggests a variety of bacteria may be involved. The Cleveland Clinic has concluded that bacteria is the root cause, and prescribes antibiotics to address the condition: . Note also that the Japanese research involves Fusobacterium, a common oral bacterium. Oral bacteria are now implicated in many health conditions, including for example heart disease. Strong oral hygiene practices may therefore limit one’s exposure to bacterial disease which migrates from the mouth and becomes resident in the body.

Peru swamped by dengue fever: . The logical solution would be to get foreign aid to pay for the cost of spraying the mosquitoes.

WSJ: US maternal mortality: While the maternal mortality statistics are alarming and Tori Bowie’s death was tragic, I don’t think these two stories are connected. The Journal focuses on the points that mothers are older and many are obese to explain increasing maternal mortality. Tori Bowie was a top athlete, 5 foot 9 and weighed 96 pounds. She was 32 and apparently suffered from bipolar disorder. Her story is unique to her life.

WSJ: Fighting for your health insurance benefits: .

Elective surgeries return: WSJ: .

WSJ: Expect a Fed rate hike in July: . I agree, although I was already predicting a July hike.

WSJ: Ukrainians make slow advances: .

Polling suggests Americans of both parties share common core values: . Obviously, this knowledge has not been enough to prevent polarization, but kudos to this organization for attempting to find a path to reconciliation. A potential next step is basic education about science. I can understand that someone might doubt the scientific rigor or design of a particular experimental result. However, doubting science in general is simply not an option for an educated person.

I remain shocked that the right undermined confidence in COVID vaccines and Dr. Fauci based on attacks on established science. The end result of this, of course, has been to kill unvaccinated followers on the right. Exalting personal power over the lives of followers strikes me as obscenely unethical.

SBF to face two trials: .

GOP also-rans begin to realize they can only get ahead by criticizing Orange Julius: . This is like the 2023 version of The Wizard of Oz, except all the players lack both a brain and a spine. And this isn’t about doing what’s “right” for the country. It’s just a bunch of misguided attempts at getting back into power – personally … WSJ: More: .

Yet another trial for OJ from E. Jean Carroll: . They should turn this into a sitcom. It could star Bill Cosby: .

Southern Baptists oust congregations with female pastors: . As the article notes, the Southern Baptists are faced with declining membership. Their convention votes to affirm their Executive Committee and oust five congregations with women pastors, including the second-largest congregation in the church and another that has had a female pastor for 30 years.

What caught my eye was Rick Warren, who said (in defending the ousted congregations) that the church was at its best in the first century. The Southern Baptists were formed in 1847. They are some sort of derivative of the Protestant Reformation, which began in 1517. So, however you interpret Rick Warren, he wants to go back to a time when the Southern Baptists did not exist. The same observation applies to Albert Mohler, representing the Executive Committee, saying it was a matter of biblical authority. Also, apparently no one has been checking biblical authority for the last 30 years.

So, the expulsions are justified, keep them up, accelerate them. Soon you will return to the time when you did not exist. Congratulations!!! Jesus did preach tolerance, but apparently only some of his words count. By the way, how do you feel about science?

The most expensive latte in the history of the planet: . The jury awarded the fired manager $600,000 compensatory and $25 million punitive damages (punitive damages are often reduced to 10 times the compensatory damages). She is also seeking back and future pay from the judge. Meanwhile, Starbucks settled with the two men in the original incident (no dollar figure disclosed. One wonders how long it takes one Starbucks location to earn $25.6 million in profits. WSJ: More: .

Jack Teixeira indicted over classified info theft: . This young man is going to prison – indeed, he’s in jail until the trial. This is the same thing Orange Julius did, and the same charge. Jack needs to serve time, and so does OJ. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Surfside condo had defective pool deck: . One feels corners were cut everywhere in the construction of this death trap.

Meanwhile, the state of Oregon loses 90% of its drivers’ license data to hackers: . Sigh …

Glenda Jackson passes at 87: .