News for November 24 — COVID Antibody Test Demand Rises

WSJ: COVID antibody test demand rises: .

Federal worker vaccine compliance reaches 92%: . WSJ: More: .

Military deploys 44 medical personnel to Michigan to address COVID surge: .

COVID cases rise in Kansas: .

Anti-vax doctors convene in Florida and get COVID: . “For whatsoever a man soweth, that also shall he reap.”

WSJ: COVID boosters gain traction in Europe: .

Portugal expands booster shots as COVID cases rise: .

New variant emerges in Africa: . The small number of identified cases does not yet raise the alarm. Reliable data will soon emerge on the variant’s infectiousness.

Putin tests nasal version of Sputnik V: . I’m skeptical of all of this “information”. The Russian people are rightfully suspicious of their government, a difficult situation in a pandemic.

DOJ prioritizes prosecution of unruly airline passengers: . Too late but not too little.

Unemployment claims fall to 52-year low: . This (finally) is a really significant drop, if perhaps temporary. The current increased competition for new hires is likely the primary cause here. After all, if you can’t hire a replacement, a marginal employee’s job performance starts to look a lot more tolerable.

January 6 charge totals grow: . Those charged now total 675, while 210 face felony counts. So far, from my limited review, the misdemeanor charges have led to 2 months or less of prison time: . The felony charges have led to up to 41 months in prison.

Guilty verdict in Ahmed Arbery killing: . WSJ: More: . Still more: . This “explainer” (as well as each of the Journal articles) misses the key points of the case. First, the three men falsely imprisoned Ahmed Arbery by chasing him down, a felony. Each actively participated in the commission of this crime. Second, the son, Travis, fatally shot Ahmed. The jury found that to be malice murder, Georgia’s term for murder with malice aforethought – meaning intentional murder.

Third, Travis and the other two were convicted of felony murder. That occurs when you participate in a felony that results in a murder, whether or not you directly participated in the death. For criminal convictions, the jury must find that each crime occurred beyond a reasonable doubt. The jury delivered a guilty verdict on 17 of the 21 counts. The evidence supports all of these findings, and the not guilty findings on four counts indicate careful deliberation.

The defense attorneys say they will appeal, so that is likely. However, the defenses suggested by the retired law professor are not worthy appeals. Arbery’s personal history was unknown to the murderers and not relevant. In fact, admitting it as evidence would have been reversible error. The evidence shows Arbery did not threaten the defendants in any manner. Therefore, use of force is irrelevant in a felony murder case.

Last, recall that this community is predominantly black. The judge specifically called out his concerns with a jury of 11 whites and one black, noting state law limited his options. The guilty verdicts here are actually a powerful message to the white racists in the rural South. Also, this case caused the Georgia legislature to repeal its Civil War era citizen’s arrest law: . This case has already had more lasting impact than the Kyle Rittenhouse prosecution.

Has court ordered toast for OJ?: . To clarify, the court has raised this issue “sua sponte”, which is Latin for “on its own”. Courts do this on issues they believe are central to the disposition of the case. This issue would be dispositive if OJ loses. The critical element here is the citation of a case which does shut out OJ. Courts typically limit their intervention in matters they consider purely political. This line of reasoning, if it holds, also gives the Supreme Court a perfect way to avoid the case.

Norwegian government reveals Santa is gay: . Obviously, Mrs. Claus knows. The GOP is already planning ads on the true nature of socialism.

Military readiness in serious decline: . Based on the cadets’ level of agricultural knowledge, they look like good candidates for long-term KP. They don’t seem like officer material.