News for January 11 — COVID Advances Virus Science

COVID advances virus science: . All of the resources marshaled to fight the pandemic will likely provide vaccination advances for other viral diseases. The mRNA approach seems inherently safer than approaches based on dead or live virus.

COVID continues to batter South Africa: .

COVID pushing California hospitals to breaking point: . The general reporting consensus is that this is just the beginning of the holiday surge. California’s situation is expected to continue to worsen.

WSJ: NY starts vaccinating over-75 crowd: .

US ramps up vaccine distribution: . Frankly, the delays are inexcusable. The administration had no real plan, as has been true with every phase of the pandemic.

WSJ: Why decentralized distribution was and is a bad idea: .

EEOC: Employers can mandate workers take vaccines: . (This guidance was issued December 16, 2020.)

Here’s a longer layman’s discussion of the pros and cons of delaying the second vaccine dose: . My view is that the potential rewards outweigh the risks given the number of vaccines moving toward approval and production. We need to slow the spread – that is, manage R0 (retransmission).

WSJ: Joe Biden gets second dose on TV: .

Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman tests positive after confinement in secure location: . She is age 75. Hopefully she will have top level treatment. The maskless Republicans now threaten a COVID outbreak on Capitol Hill at a time when the country needs its federal leadership.

Dr. Fauci looking to fall venue re-opening: . There is some value in remembering there is an end to the pandemic. The competence of the Biden team means a lot. Democratic control of both houses of Congress should allow much needed financing to be pushed through via the reconciliation process.

Cuomo outlines financial program for New York comeback: . If you can view this State of the State speech, you should do so. Cuomo meticulously lays out the $15 billion hole in the state budget, how New York financially supports the other states, and why federal aid is required. It is a masterful command of financial reality we have not heard from any leader in … well, certainly at least 4 years. WSJ: More: .

New York City outflow grows: .

WSJ: NYC investigates cop participation in DC insurrection: .

San Diego Zoo gorillas test positive for COVID: (link replaced 1/27/22).

WSJ: PPP loan program reopens today: .  Will there be functional oversight this time?

WSJ: Carnival to post $2.2 billion loss: . Is the Titanic doing better financially?

WSJ: Fed sends $88.5 billion to US Treasury: . This is a result of cutting interest rates.

WSJ: WHO scientists enter China: .

WSJ: Indonesia approves Sinovac vaccine: .

A young Brit on her remote college learning experience: . Ineffective government has population-wide consequences.

WSJ: COVID hit Europe hardest in countries under austerity budgets: . An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

WSJ: British hospitals may be overwhelmed this month: .

WSJ: Political changes in North Korea: . More: . Kim Jong Un has health problems. The sister is a placeholder at least until an adult son comes along.

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Second Capitol cop dies, by suicide: .

Two Capitol cops suspended, at least 10 more under investigation, for role in insurrection: .

Armed man texted plans to kill Pelosi: . We are fortunate these lunatics broadcast their plans, have car trouble, and so on. They will soon be taking up considerable prison space.

Supreme Court refuses buzzer-beater appeal: . Additional security has been added at the Court. WSJ: More: .

Orange Julius heads to Alamo: . Well, perfect. Alamo, Texas, is of course not The Alamo, and The Alamo was not a place where Americans were on the “offensive”. He’s going there to celebrate his successes. What are they? Oh, The Wall. The US Mexican border is 1,954 miles. In 4 years, by the most favorable calculation, Orange Julius has built 15 miles of new wall: . So I’d agree, biggest “success” of his “presidency”. All hat and no cattle.

And this on Donnie’s Twitter troubles, from Need2Know: Trump tried to get on Melania’s Twitter account, but she said her password was Barron’s middle name plus his birthday.

Melania speaks: . If you’re going to criticize, do it accurately. Melania is not accused of plagiarizing Michelle Obama’s speech. Her speechwriter did plagiarize it, much of it word for word. At best, Melania was sufficiently uninformed to not immediately recognize the plagiarism, which many, many listeners did. At worst …

Then there’s the jacket she wore to the immigration center: “I don’t care. Do U?” And she has staff helping polish this brilliant image. Most notably there was Stephanie Grisham, who just resigned, as if she has a reputation to save: . Healing is not the specialty of the highly dysfunctional Trump “family”. All of them, and their staffs, are liars, and they are lousy at it. After 4 years, who does not get this? Billy Bush tape? Kenya? Stolen election? Kayleigh McEnany? Hello?

Rudy Giuliani exhorted the mob about trail by combat. Trial by combat was never part of Anglo-Saxon law. It was in Germanic law, but pretty much disappeared by 1300, replaced by trial by jury. A notable last gasp was the Battle of the Clans in Scotland in 1396. Two clans disputed who had the honor of a certain battle position. Clan Macpherson apparently bested Clan Davidson, although of the original 60 combatants, only 12 survived. Rudy is a dangerous lunatic. He is clearly guilty of sedition.

WSJ: NY Bar weighs ejecting Giuliani: . Gee, is it the hair dye? Trial by combat would seem to be a problem.

WSJ: A boo-boo by the Republican Attorneys General: . Hey, if we just dump this guy, we’re not complicit, right? It’s not like he had supervision, right?

WSJ: The latest Trump resignation list: .

Barr, White House counsel to Trump: Do not pardon yourself: .

Twitter suspends 70,000 QAnon accounts: . I’m sure they’d be tweeting about this conspiracy, but there’s a problem …

After banning the group 2 months ago, Facebook now bans all “Stop the Steal” content: .

WSJ: Parler sues Amazon: . Hahahahaha. Good luck with this lawsuit. Parler is well-known for policing its content. Not. The better question is, who will be stupid enough to take on this hot mess? WSJ: More: .

Lauren Boebert enrages fellow Congressmen: . Two minutes after the Capitol was breached, she tweeted, “This is 1776”. She followed this by tweets that “we are locked down in the House chamber” and “Pelosi has been removed from the chamber”. Many believe this told the insurrectionists to look elsewhere for Pelosi.  To clarify the article, Whitehouse is in the Senate. The head of the House Judiciary Committee is Jerry Nadler.

Chad Wolf to depart: . As you likely remember, this blockhead inflamed matters here in Portland during the BLM protests. His departure further complicates security for the inauguration.

Mississippi governor signs bill to remove Confederate battle flag from state flag: .

Democrats move toward impeachment, introduce charges: . WSJ: More: . More: .

Trump not mounting impeachment defense: .

Democrats move to censure Congressman Mo Brooks: . Actually, what we need is less Brooks.

Violating the oath of office: . That would be Orange Julius in the fleshy pulp.

DC and state capitol threats next Sunday: . What, and miss the divisional playoffs?

Manatee abused: .

WSJ: Alabama crushes Ohio State: . No surprise here.