News for September 2

Coronavoters – Those who will base their 2020 vote on the pandemic, especially those who have not intended to vote in the past but are motivated to do so this year because of the effects of coronavirus – . (Video).

Bradykinin storms may cause severe cases of COVID-19: .  And:–67876 . Several ideas jump out here. First, the explanation of so many symptoms previously considered random or bizarre is a strong indicator of the power of this hypothesis. Second, because the RAS system has been studied and there are effective drugs already available, there are several new therapy paths opened by this hypothesis. As some of these treatments have limited side effects (e.g., Vitamin D), they can be administered immediately with limited risk. And fourth, it would be very interesting to know if COVID-19 patients who were already on one of these therapies had less severe symptoms. As there is a very large case basis (unfortunately), research on this last question should be much easier than it would be in other circumstances. This is one of the most promising pieces of research I’ve seen; my thanks to Joan Ogden for bringing it to my attention.

WSJ: Common steroids effective in treating COVID-19: . The WHO organization and endorsement of this approach makes us look like idiots, once again … More on the global vaccine effort: . Same tune, different verse.

CDC bans evictions for most renters through 2020: Between this and possible payroll tax deferral, there is a lot of money coming due at the start of 2021.

Assumption: Four of 7 US vaccine trials will fail: . This planning scenario makes sense given the past success rate of vaccine trials, but also shows the problems when past data may not provide much guidance on the future. Much of the current vaccine development is based on strategies that have not been previously tried.

WSJ: Rich nations control vaccine doses: . Money talks, but what it says is often disturbing.

WSJ: Feds target hospitals on data reporting: . Even the WSJ recognizes the blatant hypocrisy of the Administration here – screw up the CDC reporting process by moving it to HHS, and then back, and now blame someone else. Let’s just get politics out of data. I sure hope the Administration will take a similar strong stance on the census – but then Dewey voters are still waiting to hear from Southern Illinois.

WSJ: Administration cancels ventilator deals: . We overpaid $500 million on a $640 million deal? Widely reported elsewhere but not in WSJ is the role of Peter Navarro in this mess: .

WSJ: Small cracks in relief bill impasse: .

WSJ: Trump vows to help airlines: . The logical solution would be a relief bill.

WSJ: Democrats attempt action to stop payroll tax deferral: . The article barely refers to the obvious purpose of this attempt, which is to put Senate Republicans on record on an idea both sides hate, in an election year.

WSJ: TikTok complexities: .

WSJ: College fees receive pushback: .

Hypocrisy goes to college: . Mr. Ogbunu nails it; glad he’s teaching at Brown, in part because if he were teaching at, say, Alabama, the finances of football would be chewing him up.

Iowa State runs the reverse, no fans in home football opener: .

An interesting lawsuit in interesting times: . This is the corporate version of redlining; McDonald’s admission that they “recommend” locations appears to be a critical fact here.

WSJ: Insurers winning in early business interruption lawsuits: .

WSJ: Robot trucks advance: . The employment implications are huge, but also the elimination of drivers travelling the country reduces some future pandemic risk. Same for remote work.

WSJ: Auditors struggle with remote work: .

WSJ: Print headline: “Cosmetic stocks sag amid mask-wearing”: .

WSJ: Germany expects V-shaped rebound: .

WSJ: Younger French workers suffer job losses: .

Mexico: Economy contracts: .

“Custom” news programming as Google remodels your brain: .

WSJ: George Hill, the biggest sports story this year: . He single-handedly started the sports boycott last week.