News for April 20 — Coronavirus Piñata; Catching COVID After Vaccination

Coronavirus piñata: . Celebrate a clever idea.

Catching COVID after vaccination: .

WSJ: The “exit wave”: . This term assumes that high levels of vaccination will tame the virus. We already have evidence that certain variants evade certain vaccines. And most of the world will not be vaccinated by the end of this year.

WSJ: New US surges are in the same old places: .

Drug manufacturers have significant legal protection from vaccine side effect liability: .

Global cases exceed 142 million: . And we know that total infections are probably a multiple of this number.

No new J&J blood clot cases: . This clarifies reporting yesterday from ABC that additional reports of severe reaction were being examined.

WSJ: EU backs J&J vaccine, but with warning label: .

CDC likely to resume J&J vaccine use with warning on rare clotting effect: . Fauci has predicted this result from the meeting to be held on Friday.

WSJ: J&J vaccine is a small part of company’s results: . It’s less than ½% of the total first quarter revenue. More: .

US to raise “Do Not Travel” advisory to about 80% of the world’s countries, from 17%: . This could assist with slowing the spread of variants until the genomic sequencing funding is more fully deployed.

Worsening COVID situation in Asia causes market slump: .

Americans returning to normal life: . We are nowhere near herd immunity, and the vaccines are less effective against the increasing number of variants. We will now run a 330 million person trial. And we already know the results will not be good.

Scientific American news round-up April 10-16: . I strongly disagree with the comment that school openings are safe. We know variants are more transmissible among children than the original strain. We have already seen a number of outbreaks from high school sports. I have become increasingly disappointed with the content of this weekly round-up.

WSJ: Global emissions “rebound” from pandemic: .

WSJ: Carbon market pays timber growers to defer cutting: . Duh. Forests are a “carbon sink” – they capture carbon when they add plant material. More on the carbon market: .

Oxygen supplies run low in India: . Mortality rates increase when the healthcare system is overwhelmed. India is near, and perhaps past, that point. More: .

Cutting the line in India: . One wonders if the government chose to make everyone over 18 eligible without appropriate supply in order to diffuse charges of widespread corruption.

Chad’s president dies: .

World economy rankings, 2019 and 2020: .

Will the Chauvin conviction move the Senate on police reform?: . If history is any guide, no. Republicans continue to view opposition as obstruction. Perhaps the only way forward is for the Democrats to provide funding for alternative intervention (like mental health counselors) for municipalities, through reconciliation. But the need to reform qualified immunity for police would seem to require 60 votes. WSJ: More: .

GOP Rep. Stivers steps down from Congress: . Some articles have positioned this move as being ahead of redistricting (Ohio will lose a seat): . However, Stivers had positioned himself for a Senate run to replace retiring Rob Portman. So this looks like he’s taking a well-paid job to step away from politics. Did the Chamber “buy him out” of the Senate race? Money talks in a lot of ways in politics.

Republicans chose Stivers to lead the NRCC in 2018. In that cycle, Republicans were pummeled, losing 40 House seats. Stivers was heavily criticized for investing huge sums on races Republicans lost by wide margins. He did not run for re-election as the NRCC chair, and now bails on Congress entirely.

Soccer Super League is a no-go: . Making these decisions without fan input was a huge mistake. Fans are relieved that this greedy idea is now lights-out.