News for May 22 — Chronic Pain Therapy; Mosquito Preferences

Chronic pain therapy: WSJ: . Contrary to popular perception, chronic pain is not an extension of the general pain response.

Why mosquitoes bite certain people more: .

WSJ: The 14th Amendment fix to the debt ceiling problem: . The conservative position here is rather appalling. The amendment’s language and its purpose are quite clear: Federal debt is not to be questioned. But default is about the biggest “question” you could have. Scalia’s originalism apparently goes out the window when it doesn’t generate the answer conservatives want.

Pro-Ukrainian forces seize a sliver of Russian territory: . The Ukrainians are playing with fire here. The description of the border raid clearly indicates Ukrainian involvement. However, Western support is contingent on them regaining their own territory, no more. As the article notes, the purpose here is to force Russia to commit troops to defend the border. The logical Ukrainian objective is to cut the current land bridge between Russia and Crimea, and this is a logical first step.

Other reports are that Ukrainian troops have crossed the Dnipro River to test Russian defenses south of the river. Russia has probably dug in past the river, but there is a long front which the Ukrainians could attack at literally any point.

Russia rattles sabers over F-16 transfers to Ukraine: . Translation of the Russian response: We have been unable to control the airspace over Ukraine over the last year, and the F-16’s erase the possibility of our control. We see the beginning of the end here. Note to Vlad: We see it too, which is why the West took this step.

Arizona, California and Nevada propose breakthrough Colorado River water deal: . So this is exactly what was needed. The feds wanted the states to resolve this issue, and this is an excellent effort. I’m surprised Utah apparently did not participate.

E. Jean Carroll adds another $10 million to her lawsuit for Orange Julius’ post-trial defamation: . Carroll’s lawyers made the right call here. OJ was basically ordered by the jury to shut up and pay. He responded with further lies and defiance. This claim trebles her damages, and treble damage is a familiar concept in commercial damage situations. Hopefully, OJ’s lawyers will level with him about how the judge is likely to view this mess. Also, please take a nice warm cup of shut the hell up.

OJ now has no defense to his behavior with classified documents: . As we noted previously, the piercing of the attorney-client privilege is rare and suggested strong evidence of the commission of a crime. Here is that evidence, in print.

What if Chicken Little is for real?: . Actually, this is not Chicken Little stuff. The article documents this lunatic theory claiming that the “Democratic liberals” riddle the government, and so these “saviors” must dismantle the government .

Arizona judge sends Kari Lake home empty-handed: . Please, stay there. You are just embarrassing yourself now.

The latest definition of a really bad day: . To recap: Your girlfriend’s 3-year-old accidentally shoots you, and police arrest you at the hospital on an outstanding warrant from another state. Really bad day …