News for November 27 — Chinese Zero COVID Protests Spread

Chinese Zero COVID protests spread: WSJ: . More: .

WSJ: Consequences of Humira going off-patent: .

Ghost ancestor in human DNA: . There is something unexplained here worth pursuing. However, this feels like sensationalized theory based on very limited evidence.

WSJ: Toddler bottles recalled over lead poisoning risk: . Why would you even have lead in any form in a toddler drinking item?

The US housing bubble: . Both the stock market and the housing market currently appear overvalued. This is a consequence of the poorly targeted pandemic stimulus of the Orange Julius years. The excess assets do need to be wrung out of the economy. Fed policies will do that over time. Longer term, assets have become overly concentrated in the wealthy. The US will need to address that by taxation of the rich. The most effective cure, although long term, is heavy taxation of large estates.

Amazon layoffs will focus on Alexa: . Basically, very few people want a device that spies on them which they only use to perform trivial functions. So this completely logical business decision differs from layoffs in front of the coming recession.

WSJ: AICPA has conflicts of interest: . This seems abundantly stupid.

WSJ: FTX’s SBF threw cash around Washington in pursuit of relaxed regulation for crypto: . More: Bahamian AG defends FTX regulation and actions: .

New push for assault weapons ban: . My view continues to be that there are not 60 votes in the Senate for this. However, this article illuminates an important point (which the writer misses). Because the majority of Americans (and the Democratic base) support the assault weapons ban, Democrats gain politically to talk about the ban. The GOP will likely deliver a non-constructive 2-year run in the House. The gun control issue could help hammer them in 2024.

RICO charges from Georgia election tampering?: . The Racketeer and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) act initially targeted organized crime, but it has quite broad application to illegal conspiracies. Conceivably, it could apply to corrupt political activity, but this would be a new extension. However, the commentator correctly observes that the broad sweep of the investigation suggests that a RICO charge is under consideration. Still, I would be surprised by a RICO charge. Background: .

The danger of Ron DeMentis: . Everyone knows voter fraud is essentially non-existent, including Ron. So what we see here is his utter lack of respect for taxpayer spending, all in pursuit of his personal glorification.

WSJ: Putin’s strategic blunders in Ukraine: .

WSJ: More power restored in Kyiv: .

The story behind “White Christmas”: . I did not know that “White Christmas” first aired just after Pearl Harbor, or that it reflects a tragedy within Irving Berlin’s family.

World Cup 2022: US (briefly) supports Iranian protestors: . Right message to send, but altering Iran’s flag was the wrong way to do it. This is so obviously insulting and disrespectful to such a prideful culture, one wonders who thought this was helpful.

World Cup 2022: Riot after loss by angry fans in … Belgium?: .