News for April 8 — Chinese Officials Defend Virus Search

Chinese officials defend virus search: . Your attitude is not helping. We know the virus emerged in your country, and a global pandemic emerged. The world needs answers in order to prepare for future pandemics. As the virus emerged in Wuhan, it is logical to at least consider the Wuhan lab as a potential source of the pandemic.

WSJ: We’re betting on the Texas judge over the FDA: . As indicated yesterday, this is very treacherous ground. Courts do not have the expertise to analyze the FDA’s drug approvals, as the Texas judge has shown. More: . Here the Journal just ignores the Washington ruling entirely. This is not quality journalism in any sense.

WSJ: Banks turn away from Binance: . As the strikes keep coming, one feels another crypto crash nears.

Leaked US military intelligence is detailed and damaging: . This horrific leak must be chased down and plugged yesterday.

The Thomas story just gets worse: . Gee, Hitler memorabilia and dictator statues? Isn’t it possible that Crow admires dictators, especially since Ginni Thomas agrees?

More Thomas fallout: . The arguments against Thomas are becoming more honed. The point of the 1978 Ethics in Government Act is crystal clear – you should not take gifts of any consequence, and if you do, you must disclose them. For Thomas to not disclose gifts worth many hundreds of thousands is, simply put, appalling. It is corrupt. It is not anyone’s definition of “hospitality”. And since the Court has repeatedly refused to subject itself to adopt a Code of Ethics, it was only a matter of time until some loser justice disgraced the Court.

What should Roberts do? The Court should adopt a Code of Conduct within the next year, preferably before the next term starts in October. The starting discussion point is to adopt the code of conduct that applies to all other federal judges: . If the Court sees any justified exceptions, it should state them. My sense is they see some need for exceptions and are very reluctant to state them. If the justices are unwilling to say (rather bizarre for this group), they should bite the bullet and adopt the Code.

Should Roberts punish Thomas? Of course. The obvious method of punishment would be to not assign him major opinions. However, that has been standard practice since Thomas joined the court, because everyone realizes he is not capable. So the country and the world must wait until Thomas is off the bench. In the past, justices have resigned when embarrassing circumstances arose (e.g., Abe Fortas). Thomas has never demonstrated any basic standards of decency (e.g., Anita Hill, his insurrectionist wife), so we must wait until Thomas expires.

Another thing Roberts needs to do is increase document security, which should have been done after the Roe/Alito draft screw-up. With the recent military intelligence breach, this is another weakness of the Court which should be addressed (and announced) before the start of the next term. Right now, the Court is sinking under the weight of inappropriate behavior. Roberts must step up or go down with the ship.

Speaking of “hospitality”: Italians go after “Anglo-ization” of their language: . Two points. First, the French tried hard to do this many years ago, a futile effort. Second, the law only relates to official documents, not everyday life. In the comment section, your fellow Americans demonstrate no knowledge of the article past the headline. Italy is the friendliest of countries, as opposed to, say, France. So, for all of these commentators (who undoubtedly do not travel abroad), keep staying home. It’s better for everyone this way.

Paul Krugman declares DeMentis “irrational”: .

SNL has Orange Julius convert himself to Orange Jesus: . Oy vey!

Tesla cuts prices once again: . Tesla is building more cars than the market wants. Possibly that’s because the founder has blown any personal cachet he had by a string of poor decisions. Also: .

Standard Model of physics restored as boson calculation corrected: .

The Masters: Rain suspended play again Saturday. At the time of suspension, Bruce Koepka was -13 and Jon Rahm was -9, while amateur Sam Bennett was -6, all with 12-18=30 holes to play. Four more players were tied at -5. So, even more than yesterday, it looks like a two-man race with Koepka now pulling well ahead. Tiger Woods made the cut for a record-tying 23rd straight time. However, he is +6 for the third round after just 7 holes and is in 54th (last) place at +9 for the tournament.