News for July 6 — China COVID Reporting Remains Ridiculous

China COVID reporting remains ridiculous: . So 239 deaths in a week in a country with 1.4 billion people and crappy vaccines?

Blood pressure drug extends lifespan: . This effect in worms has not been tested in humans.

WSJ: The psychology of Ozempic use: . Persons using Ozempic for weight loss receive a variety of reactions from those around them, some of which are hurtful.

Ohio abortion access on ballot: .

WSJ: FDA fully approves Leqembi: . The era of drug treatments for Alzheimer’s has arrived. More: .

The DeMentis anti-LGBTQ insanity: . Exactly what does this have to do with “All men are created equal”? And Ron’s numbers keep sinking … More: .

Forever chemicals in drinking water: . The chemicals appeared in nearly have of the samples tested, with many of the contaminated samples coming from urban systems. This is really bad.

WSJ: Social app Threads explodes into Twitter’s space: . Twitter fights back: . The Journal’s comparison of the two: . However, one would expect that most of the Twitter features lacking on Threads will be added in the next 60 days.

WSJ: Strong jobs numbers dampen US stock market: . However, these proxies for the official jobs report due tomorrow are often inaccurate predictors of the actual government figures. Stay tuned.

WSJ: Yellen trip to China attempts to repair economic relations: . There will be some repairs over time because both sides need this trade. However, the “two axes” transition in global supply has if anything accelerated in the last 2 months.

Binance senior executives resign: . So this clearly demonstrates senior management’s lack of confidence in Zhao.

US to send cluster munitions to Ukraine: . This clearly indicates the US is trying to accelerate the Ukrainian ground offensive. WSJ: More: .

Wagner chief Prigozhin returns to Russia – but why?: The speculation is that Prigozhin has returned to finalize affairs regarding his troops and bases. However, the return is a surprise. WSJ: More: .

Poll: Orange Julius trials before primaries: . Lock him up. Lock him up. Also, lock him up. More: OJ posts Obama address, armed man shows up soon after: . So for God’s sake, lock this orange loser up and throw away the key.

WSJ: Walt Nauta, OJ’s document “helper”, arraigned: . The Journal blathers on and on, completely missing the story. There is video of Nauta moving the documents, and he subsequently made false statements about it under oath. He too is toast if this goes to trial. The DOJ of course wants the big orange fish, not this small one. So what happens if Nauta is offered a plea deal provided he testifies against OJ? That’s what his attorney should be angling for.

Marjorie Taylor Greene ousted from the Freedom Caucus: . So this makes it official: Marjorie Taylor Greene is now the Ted Cruz of the US House.

WSJ: SpaceX dominates global rocket launches: . This is because they are currently the only opportunity to launch. While other players will re-enter the field, the barrier to entry becomes higher and higher with SpaceX’s ongoing project stream.

Submersible operator ceases operations: . This makes sense, as the accident killed their CEO and exposed the company to massive liability for the passengers lost. WSJ: More: .

One association about this submersible just occurred to me — don’t know why it took so long. Watergate is now a global word for scandal — see for example Boris Johnson’s PartyGate. Now the most Water is in the Ocean. Did the CEO not think of this when naming the company OceanGate?