News for December 28 — Child COVID Hospitalizations Surge

Child COVID hospitalizations surge: . The percentage increase in child hospitalizations has been almost twice that of adults. Note the significant increase in children under 5, who are not yet eligible for vaccination. More: .

CDC admits major data error in Omicron prevalence: . Note that CDC revised the Omicron estimate for the week of December 18 downward from 73% to 22.5%. This means they overestimated the Omicron cases by a factor of over 3 to 1. CDC’s overstatement means that recent estimates of Omicron transmissibility based on their data are also off the mark. We do need to know how the CDC could have missed the mark so badly. This also suggests that Delta is still driving hospital admissions in this country.

FDA says some rapid antigen tests may not accurately detect Omicron: . You know, I was about to say that the FDA and CDC have become a complete circus. But actually, circuses are safer and more reliable. Since the more accurate PCR tests have been running turnarounds of 5 days or more recently, we really have no useful testing capability right now, two years into the pandemic.

CDC study indicates Omicron reinfections may lead to milder COVID symptoms: .

Flu cases are rising: . Flu took the season off last year, but it’s back.

Florida burns while DeMentis is MIA: . Yet another testing crisis arrives.

US and France report record daily COVID case numbers: . This could be the weekend reporting effect compounded by the Christmas holiday. Still, these are horrendous daily numbers.

North Carolina COVID tests ran 22% positive on Sunday: .

WSJ: CDC cruise ship investigation: .

Omicron overwhelming Australia: . In my view, this once again demonstrates that lockdowns are only a temporary measure creating time to get vaccinated. However, now that Omicron breaks through existing vaccines, we cannot focus solely on the vaccination strategy. Masks and social distancing remain part of the equation.

WSJ: COVID vaccine supply to lower income countries slowly increasing: .

Harry Reid passes, age 82: . Reid, the former Senate majority leader, was severely injured in a bicycle accident that left him blind in one eye. He was first elected to the Senate in 1986.WSJ: More: .

John Madden passes, age 85: . Madden won plaudits as a coach, but much more so as a broadcaster. He also wrote a number of books. But perhaps he will be most remembered for Madden NFL, arguably the best known video game of all time. WSJ: More: .

COVID knocks UCLA out of Holiday Bowl: . The NC State coach takes the news poorly: .

College basketball season threatened by COVID: .

Meanwhile, Ohio State’s receiving core decides to skip the Rose Bowl: . Money, money, money … Why risk injury in a bowl game?

WSJ: We report on the SOA exams: . I would tend to agree that today, becoming a data scientist is a wiser choice than becoming an actuary.