News for April 23 — CDC Reviewing Oregon Clot Death

CDC reviewing Oregon clot death: . Reported J&J clot cases double: . In the vaccine skepticism race, J&J risks being lumped in with AstraZeneca.

WSJ: More on blood clot symptoms: . And here, J&J is lumped in with AstraZeneca.

CDC recommends J&J restart, with warning label: . WSJ: More: .

J&J has over 9 million doses ready for release: . Hopefully skepticism will subside now that the doses are again authorized.

US vaccinations per week likely to decline: . We have apparently burned through the “vaccine eager” in many states. Vaccines are being redirected to states where vaccines are in most demand. So the “vaccine eager” everywhere should receive their vaccination in the next couple of weeks.

We still have those under 16 to vaccinate, but vaccine approvals will likely come in stages, spreading those vaccinations out over the next year. WSJ: More: . The Journal does not understand “herd immunity”, which is not going to happen. Perhaps we need to shift to “herd resistance”.

WSJ: CDC recommends vaccination for pregnant women: .

A coronavirus pandemic 25,000 years ago: . It appears a more appropriate term would be “coronavirus-like” as there is no direct evidence of the virus’ constitution.

Virus/variant race status in the US: right now, it’s a draw: .

WSJ: Regular medical practice volumes returning to normal, but effects of delayed care are emerging: . It will be a while before we can sort out what the pandemic has done to the state of American health. For example, has weight gain occurred (the “quarantine fifteen”)?

WSJ: The mask mandate “debate”: . When it’s the educated against the Luddites, “debate” is really no longer appropriate.

India’s “double mutant” variant named B.1.617: . WSJ: More: .

India finds triple mutation variant: . This brainless strand of RNA may manage to outwit current vaccines.

Malaria vaccine represents major advance: . If this vaccine can be successfully administered to children, it will fundamentally alter Africa.

WSJ: Positive global economic data: .

WSJ: Will the Boy Scouts bankruptcy hit Chubb?: . Chubb’s rapid growth by acquisition creates risks. Here is a big one.

Manchin suggests breaking up infrastructure package: . This appears to be a signal that the Democrats do not have the votes to pass the complete package through reconciliation in the Senate. Break up will almost certainly mean some parts of the package will not pass.

US macrogrid: . This article is something of an advocacy piece. It is more helpful to view the planet’s surface and atmosphere as a relatively closed system, with one massive continuous energy input – solar radiation. Therefore, a significant portion of electricity generation can remain local, although this requires battery storage for at least an 18-hour period to cover nighttime use.

However, it is much more financially efficient to concentrate solar and wind collection where it is reliably constant (for example, the desert southwest for solar, the Midwest for wind) and efficiently redistribute it. The grid upgrade involves not only greater interconnection but also more efficient transmission and storage. Coal has already lost to liquid natural gas. We need to decommission coal and not export it, particularly at government subsidy.

As the article indicates, there is enormous financial efficiency created by this upgrade. But we should force Texas into a fully interconnected grid (through incentives). This incents Texas to collect and profit off of its solar and wind resources, and provides jobs. Those job functions may not look like traditional drilling roles, but we have bigger fish to fry. There will still be substantial oil industry jobs as a transition industry.

Climate change opposition: . This is reminiscent of the tobacco industry. Indeed, if you think about the effects on everyone of second-hand smoke, it’s the same issue in a different package (or carton).

Border adjustment tax: . In theory, this is a constructive use of a tariff. In reality, it is a new talking point with China.

WSJ: Biden to travel abroad in June: .

The Flyin’ Pot calls the kettle black: . Quite obviously, the unprecedented delay on Merrick Garland and the unprecedented rushed approval of Amy Coney Barrett moved two seats into Orange Julius’ appointment opportunities.

Why Josh Hawley is a power-hungry idiot: . This is also why Josh Hawley is unqualified to be elected to anything in a multicultural society.

Controversy over Post’s commentary on Tim Scott: . Will we ever be able to discuss history without escalation? What exactly did the Post do wrong here? Reliance on records does not necessarily tell the whole story. On the other hand, it’s a damn good start. Republicans are attempting cancel culture, designed to pump up the Grumpy Old People. Find something productive to do.

Caitlyn Jenner to run for California governor: . Jenner is running as a Republican who doesn’t support Orange Julius (maybe). It is essentially impossible for such a candidacy to gain a majority of either Democratic or Republican votes. Jenner’s basic advantage is name recognition. Social media response can be politely described as severe backlash: .

Orange Julius’ campaign owes 14 cities for police protection: . No surprise here, but I enjoyed the comment that OJ had defunded the police. The total is nearly $2 million.

DOJ has charged 440 in insurrection, expects to charge at least 100 more: .

Yes, it was an insurrection: . It’s pretty much like George Floyd’s trial: We all saw the videotape. Nonetheless, the details here are truly chilling.

And yes, it is the Minnesota Gestapo: . The DOJ investigation is fully warranted (pun intended). St. Cloud is about 50 miles northwest of Minneapolis. It is the 10th-largest city in Minnesota. At 68,000 residents, it is similar in size to the fourth-largest (Duluth, 86,000). And forget everything else for a moment. When you read this story, do you agree that police reform is necessary?

WSJ: Garland’s take on the coming DOJ police investigations: . Based on my past experience with the police, it is absolutely appropriate to have them at the table in order to maximize buy-in in the final recommendations.

WSJ: And also, corporate public relations must address current issues: . To say that JP Morgan has hurt itself with soccer fans would be a massive understatement. I generally have paid only limited attention to company stances on social issues. However, recent events convince me that companies must take strong stands on things like survival of our democracy. Companies that continue to contribute to those Republican Senators and Congresspeople who voted to decertify the election richly deserve boycott.