News for December 17 — CDC Publicizes Vaccination “Urgent Need”

CDC publicizes vaccination “urgent need”: . Influenza and RSV are both seasonal, while COVID is experiencing current growth in cases, so the “tripledemic” is upon us once again.

WSJ: The benefits of paternity leave: .

WSJ: Clean energy is taking off: .

Calls grow for Israel to alter its Gaza approach: . However, as the Israelis apparently believe they are closing in on the Hamas leadership, they are unlikely to accept a ceasefire at the current time. WSJ: More: .

IDF says it’s discovered biggest tunnel in Gaza: . So are they saying the Israeli intelligence operation did not know about this? Israel seems to have missed a lot of what was going on in Gaza. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: US border deal elusive near tonight’s deadline: . UPDATE: No agreement reached.

Arlington Confederate Memorial to be removed: . So House GOP members have made every stupid argument they can think of to prevent or delay the removal of this monument. However, the bottom line is quite simple. Arlington is the national resting place for soldiers who fought FOR THIS COUNTRY. Many of us have friends who are buried there; my friend happens to be a Black Vietnam veteran who ultimately retired at the rank of colonel after decades of service, first in two tours of duty in Vietnam and then in the Army reserves.

This is an inappropriate location for a monument to the largest insurrection in American history, which took over a half million lives in total between the two sides. The Civil War was over more than 150 years ago. It’s now well past time for the misguided people who keep the memory of the Confederacy alive to accept that the South was on the wrong side of that war. The United States must complete its journey past slavery, bigotry and insurrection.

Lindsey Graham babbles about Biden impeachment inquiry: . Lindsey Graham rarely knows what he’s talking about, and this matter is no exception. There is simply no evidence incriminating President Biden about anything. If there was, we’d hear about it 24/7. But there is nothing, and everyone agrees about that, including the “investigators”. More: . Also, with their tiny margin, the GOP will have to vote unanimously on impeachment articles. But again, there is no evidence of wrongdoing. So no matter how this turns out, it will jeopardize Republicans in swing seats. The House majority now looks even more likely to swing to the Democrats in 2024.

Orange Julius’ Cabinet “thoughts”: . You really cannot make this kind of insanity up. Melania is advocating for Tucker Carlson as VP? Melania’s Respect-O-Meter rating just went to 0 over here … The November 2024 election will turn on turnout. This screwball crap may excite the MAGA Maniacs, but it will also terrify everyone else even more.

4 of the 5 OJ children have “poisoned” immigrant blood: . Again, this fool cannot think his way out of a paper bag.

DeSantis strategist steps down: . So this simply recognizes that Ron’s 2024 campaign is already over. Ron poured all of his marbles into Iowa, where he trails OJ by 32 points. Say goodnight, Ron.

Bob Pardo, Vietnam pilot famed for Pardo’s Push rescue, passes at 89: . The article notes that for this quick-thinking approach to save two airmen in his flight group, the Air Force reprimanded Pardo for damaging his plane. Later, they awarded him the Silver Star.