News for January 17 — CDC Messaging Mess; Omicron Spread

The CDC messaging mess: . In my view, the single best thing the CDC can do right now is to set context: “We are committed to following the science. As new information develops, we expect to update our recommendations in response.” The “calm worries by oversimplifying” approach has been a mistake.

WSJ: Is Omicron’s spread slowing?: .

How to spot a counterfeit N95 mask: . Interestingly, many of the counterfeits work well, but they lack proper certification.

Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley has COVID: . WSJ: More: .

WSJ: How do you handle a plutonium pacemaker?: . According the article, the recipient gives it glowing reviews.

Australia is moving off its lockdown fixation to a strategy of letting COVID run its course: . Australia has a higher vaccination rate than the US. However, taking this step just as Omicron hit was a remarkably bad idea, however it turns out. And note the next entry.

Israeli study finds second booster shot only partially effective against Omicron: .

Australia has record COVID deaths, hospitals under stress: . Of course, their remarkably low base number of cases and deaths means their new strategy likely would produce a surge. Still, 74 deaths represent almost 3% of their total pandemic deaths in one day. They could easily double their total number of pandemic deaths in the next month. This will likely shock the Australian public.

Japan prepares to expand COVID restrictions: . The article notes that while 80% of the Japanese public is vaccinated, only 1% is boosted. Their population is therefore quite susceptible to Omicron.

The rich get incredibly richer: . As mentioned here before, the US has one of the highest concentrations of wealth in the world, and that was before the pandemic.

Biden’s 1-year report card: . Well, of 331 million Americans, 9 speak here. Each seems unusual in their own way and not representative of a large swath of voters (with the possible exception of the unimpressed Orange Julius voter). Still, it is of some interest to hear other perspectives. More: A summary of Biden’s performance on major issues: .

China won’t sell Olympics tickets to the general public: . WSJ: More: . But if they are still inviting selected groups of spectators, how are these groups safer than the (Chinese) general public? This seems pretty elitist for a Communist country.

WSJ: Another large Chinese real estate developer is encountering financial market problems: .

WSJ: Tonga eruption: No news is bad news: .

Catching COVID can shrink your penis: . Skeptics will assert the government will say anything to promote male vaccination. As Stephen Colbert reported tonight, “COVID dick is real. He just prefers to be called Ron DeSantis.”