News for February 17 — CDC Is Lost on COVID Strategy

CDC is lost on COVID strategy: . So let’s spend money on a step that is too late. This is patently incompetent, and it is wasteful spending if the point is to address the three variants mentioned. It would make limited sense if it were directed at the new California variants, and any others that arise and spread rapidly. The CDC seems to understand part of the risk while suggesting Pollyanna remedies: .

We’re over a year into the pandemic, and everyone agrees our genomic testing is wildly inadequate. If we had it in place even two months ago, we could have identified the variants early. The next steps would be vigorous contact tracing, testing and quarantine. (We also suck at contact tracing.) If these steps had been followed, we could have at least slowed the variants. Not now. The UK variant, for example, is already in 41 states.

Obviously, the variants will come to dominate, as they already have elsewhere in the world. We should be updating the vaccines to address the variants (including the California variants). We should also provide a third shot to those already vaccinated (the drug companies are trying, and at least the mRNA companies should be successful). And there must be increased focus on continuing to socially distance, wear masks, and wash hands. This helps against all the variants.

Public health has many very basic procedures. It’s painfully obvious that the CDC does not understand them. The Biden team is doing much better than the prior nuts and losers. That bar is way too low. Listen to the experts, and follow basic public health procedures. Please. Otherwise, you’ll kills tens of thousands more and further prolong the pandemic and the associated economic suffering.

Here’s some expert advice: This is in the ballpark, although as previously reported the “herd immunity” percentage is now around 90%. We almost certainly cannot meet that goal through vaccination, especially because of the emerging variants.

French hospitals to move into “crisis organization” tomorrow: The devastation of the UK variant is on display in Europe right now.

N95 masks available but unused: . More patent incompetence by the CDC. Think outside the box, for heaven’s sake. Get the supply to essential workers for now if you’re concerned about public overuse. Have the masks tested by competent labs if certification is an issue. How hard is this to figure out? We’re four weeks in. We may need a new CDC director if this is her grasp of the issues.

DHS seizes over 11 million counterfeit N95 masks: . Same comment as the prior article. This is a manageable problem. DHS at least is managing it. WSJ: More: .

Supply chain hiccups: . My conclusion from the article is that the supply chain is being managed. There have been some close calls, but no major disruptions.

Vaccine passport technology: an excellent answer to the wrong question: . The correct initial question is whether we know enough to competently issue vaccine passports. For example, billions of people are expected to get the AstraZeneca vaccine. Do they qualify for the passport? The vaccine is currently believed to offer little or no protection from the South African variant.

Suppose X billion people are passport holders and a new variant emerges. How long before we know if the current vaccines are protective? Whatever the timeframe, travel before this question is answered is quite risky. So how does a vaccine passport work? Once we solve these riddles, the IBM solution may be quite useful. But the AstraZeneca experience tells us, not yet.

Vaccines show reduced effectiveness against South African variant: . My concerns about the passport are not theoretical. The facts speak for themselves.

Recombinant mutation has emerged: . This is scary stuff.

Is a universal COVID-19 vaccine possible?: . This sounds like the right group to find out. It’s disturbing that the government could not foresee the utility of this research.

Severe COVID sufferers develop eyeball nodules: .

US averaging 1.7 million doses administered per day: . Remember that the prior jokers promised 20 million shots in the month of December and administered maybe 4 million. This is an incredible improvement in 7 weeks.

Drastic drop in US life expectancy: . We’ve never seen a mortality effect like this in the past 100 years.

Antiviral nasal spray advances: . With the ferret success, the next proposed step is testing Ted Cruz. After that, human testing will be considered.

Around one-third of military service members decline vaccine: . The military often involves close quarters on short notice. This is a dangerous situation.

WSJ: J&J vaccine rolled out in South Africa: . This could be a very important development if the South African variant becomes dominant.

WSJ: The Brazilian vaccination experiment: . Here is a corresponding experiment regarding the South American variant.

UK approves human challenge trials: . This is very controversial from the standpoint of medical ethics, as the article discusses. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Vaccine delays in poorer countries: . As repeatedly screamed here, the use of AstraZeneca’s vaccine in these countries is very questionable given its lack of protection against the South African variant.

Gwyneth Paltrow is COVID long-hauler: .

WSJ: US storm news: . More: . More storm news in the next section.

WSJ: Advocacy campaign for Biden agenda set to launch: . This is absolutely critical to combat the “alternative facts” driving “conservative” “thought”.

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Karma files: Rush Limbaugh passes: . For 35 years, I had a home on the Oregon Coast. My next-door neighbor for that entire time was Paul, a friend and a great help to me for many years. But in the 90’s he loudly and proudly became a Dittohead, as Limbaugh called his followers. He slowly became less friendly. In the end he became rude. Paul will miss Rush Limbaugh. I will not. WSJ: More: .

Karma files: People are lining up to blow up Orange Julius: . One dusty pile down, one in process. WSJ: More: .

The Republican Civil War: (link replaced 5/4/21). One of the more bizarre aspects here is that McConnell is looking two years out, and that is much farther than Orange Julius. The party is completely divorced from policy, unless it’s racism, build the wall, and make the rich richer.

Karma files: A partial list from Orange Julius’ upcoming legal calendar: . Scotland is one example of his international difficulties: . What are the chances that his representation will be of higher quality than the three jokers at his impeachment hearing?: . “We’ll make Rudy Giuliani look good!”

Texas’ power problems continue to grow, with 21 dead and now 4.4 million without power: . WSJ: More: . Winter weather is expected through Thursday: . WSJ: More: .

Karma files: For many, the natural response to the Texas disaster is to troll Frackin’ Ted Cruz: . Rick Parry, former US Secretary of Energy, is still exercising his brain by hitting himself in the face with dumbbells: . You just can’t get this stupid without working at it.

Bill Gates points out that Texas Governor Abbott is uninformed: . This is the way to knock down GOP bull – with facts. Meanwhile, Texans are dying because their grid was improperly managed. Abbott is playing misdirection with “alternative facts”. And more from Beto O’Rourke: . Again, informed refutation here from someone who cares.

So where is the Republican Party right now? They literally have no platform and no policies. Facts don’t matter. The only goal is publicity. Examples are Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, and Ron Johnson, all of whom follow the lead of Orange Julius. This is not a political party. It is the Idiot Olympics.

 The only hope for the GOP (Grumpy Old People) is that Greene, Boebert and Johnson all get primaried by a Republican with a brain. What are the chances of that? It depends on how rapidly the Orange Julius cult fades. It also requires that at least 3 people with a brain can stomach staying in the Republican Party.

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How did your last performance review go? For sure, it was better than the Baltimore Orioles: . Some marketing person for Major League Baseball is in serious trouble.