News for August 28 — CDC COVID Guidelines for Schools

CDC COVID guidance for schools: . I remain not found of this advice. While mortality rates from cases are decreasing, the risk of long COVID continues. Not having small children, I am not faced with this decision. But if I were, I’d strongly consider home schooling. This has become increasingly possible as people work remotely.

Consequences of mislabeling monkeypox: . Because the initial outbreak has occurred among gay men, some have labeled it an STD or a gay disease. This has created shame, which in turn discourages people from getting vaccinated or seeking treatment.

Krugman says cost of student loan relief in US economy is equivalent to a “rounding error”: .

Today’s talk shows raised the question of whether Biden’s student loan relief is illegal. The theory is that this is a massive expenditure not authorized by Congress. However, that is technically inaccurate. This is a waiver of debt, not expenditure of new funds. There are many circumstances where the executive branch is authorized to waive debt. So the question is whether the President is somehow prohibited from making this particular waiver. If so, this might determine who has standing to sue.

Standing means you have to have an injury recognized by the courts in order to be a plaintiff. So far, there has been no suggestion of who has standing, in which case there is no case.

The New York Times dances a waltz instead of just saying the obvious about Orange Julius’ defense: . Translation: DOJ prosecutors know manure when they see it. One whiff of this OJ circus was enough. I guess this is too short for the Times. Here’s an addition: the best lawyer cannot make a defense out of thin error (or is it thin air?). Caught red-handed, the Orange Furor still refused to comply with the subpoena. Next …

Nebraska schools promote ignorance: . This is illegal gender bias, and of course violates the students’ First Amendment rights. Gee, why would young people want to leave rural Nebraska? Well, for one thing they’re not welcome there if they don’t at least pretend to be straight. And one student tells you that as directly as is possible.

Another ugly look for the GOP in Pennsylvania: . So how big a deal is this? This is not just any photo. The picture hung at the Army War College for years. Mastriano represents Pennsylvania’s 33rd (state) District, which includes Gettysburg, in the Pennsylvania Senate. The article rightly focuses on the ignorant defenses of Mastriano offered by the local politicians infected by Orange Julius delirium.

Various black politicians have pointed out the hurt associated with a current American political figure wearing a Confederate uniform in a public photo. But I am also deeply offended by this. My great-grandfather John Luther Furnish fought in the Civil War for Indiana, enlisting in July of 1861 at age 18. After the war, he came to Oregon and was a founder of the Republican Party in this state. Portland’s train station, like so many across the country, remains Union Station. What has happened to the Party of Lincoln?

The hollowing out of that party began with Nixon. It has continued unabated through my lifetime in the finally successful attempt to pack the Supreme Court with political hacks. The GOP has replaced intelligent discourse with mindless culture wars. To return to “united” governance, our only choice is to vote them down.

Ozzy Osbourne moving back to the UK: . Two notable messages here: (1) Ozzy, who has health issues, is choosing to move to the UK health system from the US; and (2) a guy whose fame is from biting the heads off bats finds America way too violent: .

WSJ: Assuming the seller’s home mortgage: . With the rapid spike in interest rates, this can make sense where the existing mortgage balance is significant relative to the new purchase price. If home prices now deflate, this option will become even more attractive, and in more situations.

WSJ: NASA’s Artemis mission: . More: .

Hawaii hammers its way to Little League World Series championship: . I watched two of Hawaii’s games, including the championship. The team had excellent pitching, but the hitting was … well, out of the park. This completes the most dominant winning sequence in Little League history.

This will make you smile: Ichiro Girl returns: . Being famous for being joyous is a great thing …