News for March 16 — Can COVID Trigger Diabetes?

Can COVID trigger diabetes?: .

Omicron may cause croup in babies: .

Record South Korea COVID wave: . The Omicron variant is driving this wave, but no news on the mix of subvariants BA1 and BA2.

COVID continues to outpace China’s Zero COVID policy: . And it has long been suspected that China underreports COVID cases. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Quarantine insurance is a loser in China: .

Global COVID deaths fell 17% last week: .

Biden calls Putin a war criminal; Zelensky on Netflix: . The White House has been careful not to say this, as it might push Putin to even more irrational acts. But it is clearly true. WSJ: And the ICJ enters the fray: .

How Biden has won the information war over Ukraine: . There’s no question that the release of accurate intelligence predicting Putin’s false justification for this war have caught Putin off-guard. This may also affect China’s support of Russia in what is now a losing war.

The two-front problem in US global foreign policy: .

Ukraine has benefited from CIA training provided in eastern Ukraine conflict since 2014: . This story makes sense to me.

WSJ: A Ukrainian town drives the Russians into retreat: .

Contained in the additional aid to Ukraine announced today are new US drones, the Switchblade: . Is the Pentagon reading this newsletter? See the prior two issues … More on Switchblade: .

WSJ: Russian drones have ventured in NATO airspace: . This opens up a new justification to provide drones to Ukraine.

WSJ: Why are Russian generals dying in Ukraine?: . Other reports suggest the Russian generals are in front-line positions because the Russian advances have largely stalled. The generals look to get things moving. But there are other possibilities. The Ukrainians appear to be targeting the generals. Ukraine’s rapid announcement of these deaths also suggests they have insiders in the Russian forces.

The US’ past history with permanent daylight savings time: . WSJ: More: .

When should you take Social Security?: . Good grief! This is an easy actuarial problem which financial writers simply do not understand. First of all, the crowd who says take it later because the annual benefit is larger essentially ignores death. Second, this writer, in the minority of financial writers who recognize some special situations in which you should take it early, still misses the central point.

The actuarial factors central to this issue were set way back, at least before 1974 when I did the math. The critical point is that the underlying interest rate was about 1%. So if you are able to make more than 1% annually on your remaining lifespan, take the benefits early. Now, life expectancy has improved since I did the analysis, but the interest rate is actually the more important factor. So everyone should take the benefit early unless their tax situation dictates otherwise (high income now, lower income and/or tax rates expected in later years).

WSJ: Fed inflation outlook will rise: . The Fed has penciled in 6 rate increases for 2022. I continue to suspect they will not complete all of those 6 increases. More: . Still more: .

Japan hit by 7.4 earthquake in same area as disastrous 2011 9.0 quake and tsunami: . There was only an 11-inch tsunami associated with this quake. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Estimating the effect of the sanctions on Russia: . More: . Still more: .

Oil crisis may be coming as Russia will be forced to curtail production: . Maybe. But what if China buys Russian oil? Also, China’s demand may decrease because of a variety of problems in its economy. WSJ: India to buy Russian oil at a discount: . More: .

WSJ: A primer on China-Russia cooperation: .

Shares of Chinese developers suffer largest drop since 2008: . The market is concerned that March 31 financial statements will show heavy losses. As the developers have represented over 20% of China’s annual growth, there is little question that such growth will slow significantly this year. WSJ: More on Chinese stocks: .

WSJ: The Webb Telescope passes another operational milestone: . Note that the Webb Telescope is said to be 100 times more powerful than Hubble.