News for May 12 — Biden Marks 1 Million COVID Deaths

Biden marks 1 million COVID deaths: .

Jha: COVID booster funds or fall COVID surge: . It’s about time someone cuts through all the BS on Capitol Hill.

WSJ: Biden to ramp up global COVID fight: .

OJ officials and meat industry put production ahead of employees’ lives: . No surprise here. But this is still absolutely corrupt and disgusting.

North Korea confirms first COVID outbreak: . WSJ: More: . As the articles note, it is likely the population is mostly unvaccinated. In that case, the lockdowns are already too late. With the poor quality of their healthcare system, we can expect tens of thousands of deaths. Of course, accurate reporting is very unlikely to be provided by this government.

UPDATE: North Korea admits 350,000 COVID cases and 6 deaths: . If there are 350,000 cases, forget lockdowns. This tends to prove the impression that the population is mostly unvaccinated. With that many cases, and spreading, we are indeed looking at tens of thousands of deaths. (Remember, deaths are a lagging indicator, by roughly two to three weeks.) More: . WSJ: More: . By the way, what the hell are they firing off missiles for?: . WSJ: More: .

FURTHER UPDATE: South Korea plans to send vaccine to North Korea: . Of course, this will not even slow the advance of COVID in the next few weeks.

Weekly unemployment claims drift up to 203,000: . WSJ: More: .

Inflation triggers 2023 California minimum wage increase: . Inflation has many knock-on effects in a managed free market system. Also, as we have noted many times, the Fed’s interest rate increase tool is ineffective against current inflation. Inflation will continue, which suggests the stock market will keep deflating. WSJ: More: .

However, the Fed will continue to aggressively raise interest rates: . Since all the Fed has is a hammer, Powell must describe the current situation as a nail. We know that is not true. I think the most likely effect is a slowdown in the housing market, since mortgages will quickly become less affordable. So expect more home buying by Wall Street (they make cash offers) and higher rents.

Finland to apply to join NATO: . Sweden is expected to apply in a few days. Vlad has really screwed up by invading Ukraine. Will the Russian people figure this out? Or is this just more of a world conspiracy against the Motherland? WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Russia is not advancing, even in eastern Ukraine: .

Rand Paul single-handedly stalls Ukraine aid until next week: . I guess his point is that jackasses come in all stripes in the GOP. WSJ: More (or less): .

WSJ: The human toll in Ukraine: .

Gee, OJ is in trouble again: . Just from the facts that are public, we all know this is a violation of the law. The only question is, what penalty will OJ suffer? Couldn’t we lock this scumbag up while the system figures it out?

Meanwhile, the January 6 committee subpoenas Kevin “Who, me?” McCarthy and 4 other GOP clowns: . And of course, these fools refused to testify voluntarily. What is the principle involved? They are trying to avoid responsibility for their acts (hint: that’s not a principle). WSJ: More: .

State judge throws out the DeMentis gerrymander: . This really is ridiculous. DeMentis rejected the original map approved by the legislature because it was not GOP-friendly enough. How could it be clearer that this gerrymander is illegal? However, as the article notes, all seven justices on the Florida Supreme Court were appointed by Republican governors. So how corrupt are they? I expect we’ll find out.

WSJ: Twitter pauses hiring as two senior execs leave: . There is every indication that Musk is destroying the company. Will he (a) complete his offer; (b) renegotiate the price (downward); or (c) walk away?

New subway line to open in London’s Underground: . But its purpose was to reinvigorate central London. So has the pandemic and remote work made it obsolete already?