News for September 22 — Biden Doubles US Global Vaccine Donation

Biden doubles US global vaccine donation: . To point out the obvious, this would not have happened under Biden’s predecessor, Orange What’s-His-Name. WSJ: More: .

FDA authorizes over-65 boosters: . WSJ: More: . But the discussion continues about a broader authorization: .

WSJ: Delay in Pfizer vaccine study for pregnant women: . This is unfortunate as pregnant women need the reassurance of this study.

COVID creates severe teacher shortage: .

Ron “The Ripper” DeMentis chooses even more child endangerment: . This is all part of his “I’m a Moron and I’m in Charge” tour. Quarantine seems less disruptive than spreading a deadly disease, but then I’m just a softie for life. Would you send your (under 12, unvaccinated) child to school in this environment? I am sick to death of these GOP tinhorn tyrants.

Americans prefer COVID sanity over murder: . We still may need to establish re-education camps for the GOP. Would Florida schools be a good choice?

George W. Bush steps in to help an endangered adult: . So my opinion of W just rose. At least he’s taking action to stop the insanity infecting the GOP. WSJ: More: .

US COVID vaccination pace at lowest point since July: . The FDA has to approve the under-12 vaccine for us to make faster progress.

WSJ: Vaccinations keep Delta in check: . So finally the Journal has hit upon the idea of saving its readers’ lives as good business.

Team USA mandates vaccinations for Winter Olympics: .

How California turned the COVID tide: . Gee, public health procedures work. Apparently you have to have a Democratic governor to recognize science.

Llama nanobodies, revisited: . We covered these developments last November and again in February. However, the hang-up has been that the drug companies are focused on vaccines. Every indication is that there is a very effective therapeutic available here.

Texas doctor accused of stealing vaccines sues over racial discrimination: .

Scrutiny of Medicare Advantage insurers growing: . There is a very strong indication here that United Healthcare is in some deep doo-doo.

Americans want Roe v. Wade to stand: . So, will Amy Coney Barrett destroy the Supreme Court?

Texas-style abortion ban filed by Florida legislator: . Chances continue to improve that Charlie Crist can unseat Ron DeMentis. Crist already leads in some polls. WSJ: The Texas law is already affecting abortion service delivery in other states: .

Meanwhile, Ted Cruz punches himself in the face, again: . Any lawyer with a brain knows you don’t ask a witness a question when you don’t know what they’ll say. Oh, right, it’s ted cruz. He must be getting really desperate for press. More, with a video: . So we have 3 law professors telling ted cruz he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Smooth, ted, smooth.

WSJ: Winter will test Europe’s COVID progress: .

A viable theory on why GOP voters cling to Orange What’s-His-Name: Stockholm syndrome: . However, the problem is more likely that GOP politicians are afraid of alienating any members of their shrinking base. But there is something in the oppositional content of Stockholm syndrome which makes this opinion intriguing. GOP voters do refuse to admit they were wrong about OWHN.

WSJ: Tension builds over Evergrande’s Thursday payment: . More on the larger problem of debt in China’s economy: . Still more: . So did WSJ assign the former Suez Canal reporters to this story?

WSJ: Hurricane Ida may cost US insurers $31 billion: .