News for August 6 — Biden COVID Tests Negative

Biden COVID tests negative: .

WSJ: Corporate backlash against Indiana abortion ban: . Also, talent won’t be attracted to a 13th century culture.

Democrats push to pass Inflation Reduction Act: .

Alex Jones’ lawyer may face sanctions for unauthorized document release: . Of course this disclosure is malpractice. But, as the article points out, proving damages in this case is quite difficult. Interestingly, if Jones sued his lawyer and won damages, those damages would likely go to pay the $50 million judgment. More: . Bottom line: Alex Jones is circling the drain at this point. Karma (and the rule of law) has caught up with this lying piece of crap.

The insurrection “cover-up”: . Given all the rules concerning preservation of public records, it becomes increasingly difficult to believe that all this lost data is accidental. Does CPAC straw poll mean increasing support for Orange Julius?: . Nope. It means this year’s attendees were more hardcore than last year’s attendees.