News for April 5 — Are Long-haulers Helped by Vaccination?

Are long-haulers helped by vaccination?: . This article advances an important theory which could have broad application. Do long-haulers harbor a reservoir of virus which can be eliminated by vaccination? This would occur by stimulation of the immune system. You may know people who have had malaria or e. coli and suffer recurring bouts of the symptoms – I do. There are also indications that Ebola and certain cancers have the ability to hide in the body after treatment. This theory of a “reservoir” of disease needs further research.

WSJ: Long-haulers benefit from cognitive therapy: .

US sets program for global vaccine aid: . It’s the right thing to do. This would not happen if Orange Julius had won.

Walgreens sets a 4-week schedule for the second Pfizer dose: (link replaced 5/12/21). While this likely makes no difference in vaccine efficacy, Walgreens is not following public health advice. Their legal department should be pissed off. If future testing shows that the 3-week schedule is even slightly more effective, Walgreens will be subject to a class action lawsuit. I’d think they would lose. And as the article indicates, this is causing emotional distress, which is actionable. Update: Walgreens moves to CDC schedule: . So the class action will soon be a closed group. Still, a goofy mistake by a large corporation.

Strong reaction to first dose may indicate prior COVID: . This is no surprise. Strong reactions to the second dose indicate the first dose has primed the immune system to react. A strong reaction to the first dose may indicate the immune system has been primed by a prior infection.

Vaccinating adults appears to protect children around them: . Sorry, this is not the simplest explanation of the data. I propose: Adults who vaccinate are more careful parents than those who don’t. For you logicians out there, Ockham’s Razor appears to apply here. And by the way, the correct spelling is Ockham, not Occam.

Vaccine skepticism runs high among evangelicals: . I don’t recall the Bible taking a stance against vaccination. Maybe it’s in the movie.

What happens if you get vaccinated when you have COVID?: . As the article explains, this is not a great idea because of the risk to the health workers. But there is no particular risk to the patient. The vaccines do not contain live (or dead) virus.

The greater transmissibility of new variants: . One would suspect that this finding will apply to all the new variants.

FDA grants EUA for another over-the-counter test: . It looks like the negative for this test is quite reliable, the positive less so. The price point is under $30. Random comment: Doesn’t the CEO look a little like Adam West? I thought maybe Batman was entering the COVID fight.

App rates animal virus spillover risk: . This is presumably a lot less fun than Angry Birds.

CDC discounts COVID surface transmission: . How will this affect Clorox wipes sales?

Summer is not virus protection: . FINALLY the government says there is no evidence that COVID is seasonal.

Fauci on vaccine passports: . It’s hard to see this as a government program because of HIPAA data privacy. However, private businesses appear free to make such a requirement for you to do business with them. One logical source would be a unified push by the travel industry in a consolidated (industry-wide, not by company) program. This issue blurs the lines between voluntary and mandatory. More: .

Moderna vaccine warnings: . This looks like it was written by the Moderna legal department. The quotation marks suggest it comes from Moderna or the CDC.

India’s “double mutant” variant found in the Bay Area: . Remember that India’s population is much younger than ours. My concern is that, like other variants, this is more infectious in younger populations. This is a big risk for school reopening, especially as the UK variant becomes dominant here.

COVID pushes aside the flu: . This would be a great time for China to further clean up its animal production processes. Also, chicken and pig influenza vaccines could substantially reduce the creation of influenza variants.

Arkansas Governor Hutchinson vetoes transgender healthcare ban: . This is hate legislation, pure and simple. It strikes at needed healthcare and disadvantages a minority group. Hutchinson expects the legislature to override his veto. Corporations are likely to condemn the legislation, and court fights will follow. Once again, Republicans vote for hate. Are they for anything else? Is this the legacy of slavery? How much does corporate condemnation mean in a backwater like Arkansas? WSJ: More: .

WSJ: UK to partially reopen as surge subsides: . One hopes this is not yet another reopening too soon. The UK’s vaccinations are AstraZeneca, believed to be ineffective against the South African variant.

WSJ: The trouble in India: .

Philippines lockdown to continue for another week: .

WSJ: Iran nuclear negotiations: .

WSJ: Here come the lawsuits from the Texas power fiasco: .

Feds propose banning foreclosures until 2022: . A remarkable proposal for remarkable times.

WSJ: Hustling for work hammered in poorer economies: . What? The same thing applies in the US, where close to 10 million people have lost this “gig work”.

WSJ: “Arch Egos” meltdown hits Credit Suisse for $4.7 billion: . The bank has exhibited very poor responsiveness to negative information. More: .

Senate parliamentarian approves broad interpretation of reconciliation process: . The limit on the number of times this procedure can be used never made much sense. Those who are unwilling to abandon the filibuster should embrace this opportunity to do actual work. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: A 28% corporate tax rate will affect companies unequally: . Duh. And the article tells us that the companies most affected would be those that benefitted most from the previous tax cut. Obviously. What are the details, please? My view is that this restores half of the cut from 35% to 21% and is not unexpected by US companies. Personally, I prefer a 25% rate as a good sweet spot for tax competitiveness, but the Republicans are forfeiting any leverage based on their obstructionism. WSJ: More: . Still more: The global tax discussion: .

Republicans will offer no support to infrastructure plan: . The Republicans seem to be missing Biden’s strategy. That’s odd, since he’s saying it out loud. He is trying to build a partnership between Democratic leadership and the American people. It sure looks like economic growth will explode with an infrastructure plan. Taxing the rich and corporations is also popular. Republican obstructionism is not going to win voters. Getting an infrastructure job will.

Most Republican voters still like Orange Julius and believe insurrection was mostly nonviolent: . Apparently video of live events is unconvincing.

WSJ: McConnell makes no sense: . Republicans pass voting laws designed to restrict Democratic voting because they lost. And then they complain they are being bullied by those of us who believe voting should be encouraged? Who are the bullies? Bottom line: we’re not sorry you are no longer majority leader. We are going to work very hard to keep it that way.

The Washington Post politely, methodically points out that Georgia’s Republicans are adhering to the “Big Lie” for purely political reasons: .

The British want to know why we’re not calling the Capitol attack treason: . It’s an excellent question.

How did Capitol officer die?: . Other reporting indicates the officer died from being struck by the suspect’s car.

NRA struggles to convert intellectual bankruptcy into financial bankruptcy: . New York appears to have a strong case here. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving set of crooks.

Baylor defeats the Zags for first national men’s basketball championship: . The Zags’ offense deserted them, but give a lot of credit to Baylor’s defensive quickness. WSJ: More: .

Steer blocks Atlanta traffic: . So, I like a good pun. But a steer can’t be “legen-dairy”. A steer is a male, at least it was before the castration.

Getting ready to soar on Mars: . It hasn’t flown yet, but Ingenuity is still a remarkable achievement. It was an amazing idea to think of flying in the thin Martian atmosphere.