News for August 5 — Antibiotic Resistance Rises in US

Antibiotic resistance rises in US: . This is an enormous problem, and the information in the article is accurate, with one glaring exception – the first sentence. It is the bacteria which are gaining antibiotic resistance, not Americans. Also, the use of antibiotics in livestock is regulated but not enforced, and that is another significant part of the problem here: .

US tries to reverse Niger coup: . It is certainly unclear whether the US money is enough to reverse this coup.

WSJ: Another China property giant in financial trouble: . Problems of this size put strain on the entire Chinese economy.

WSJ: Ukraine peace talks in Saudi Arabia make progress: . The Saudis seek international acceptance. China needs an exit strategy with Russia. This could put considerable pressure on the Kremlin if it generates a Ukraine-friendly result. More: .

Ukrainian drones hit Russian cargo ship in Black Sea: . The drone attacks of the past two days have broken Russia’s naval dominance of the Black Sea. This raises new questions about Russia’s ability to resupply Crimea and puts more focus on Ukraine’s efforts to reach the Sea of Azov. Success here would cut of the current land bridge between Russia and Crimea. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Ukrainian push to retake Bakhmut stalls: .

Why Ohio has gone red: . So I agree that the GOP has gained strength with white males in the northeastern Rust Belt and southeastern Appalachia in Ohio. But that is not why Ohio has gone red over the past 60 years. In 1960, Cleveland was the 8th largest city in the US, with a population of 876,040. In 2020, it was the 54th largest US city, with a population of 372,032. Like most places, in Ohio the GOP/Democratic split is rural/urban, and people have fled Cleveland for better jobs or warmer climes.

Cleveland has been replaced as Ohio’s largest city by Columbus, a city with a less sophisticated population than most urban areas. The professor retired from Ohio State in Columbus, whose best-known major is football. I hope he enjoys his retirement, and stays away from political analysis.

Florida officials back down on AP Psychology controversy: . DeMentis is the least successful dictator in recent memory.

Florida has another sex problem: mating manatees: .

Meanwhile, “Hank the Tank” has been captured after 20 home invasions in South Lake Tahoe: . Hank weighs 500 pounds. Also, Hank is a female bear. She and her three cubs are headed to rehab, and then relocation to Colorado.

Peak of hurricane season is about to blow in: . With record ocean temperatures around the world, and particularly on the path from Africa to the Gulf of Mexico, hurricanes are likely to be devastating wherever they make landfall.

OJ’s lack of defenses in the election fraud case: . So can OJ escape all four charges on technicalities? No.

Clarifying yesterday’s note on the DOJ filing in the election fraud case, prosecutors did request a protective order barring public discussion of their evidence by Orange Julius: . While not a broad gag order, prosecutors demand the court help retain control of the evidence within the court proceeding. One almost predicts OJ will violate the order, at which time a gag order should issue.

OJ’s spin in La-La Land: . OJ says other GOP presidential candidates look like a bunch of weak jerks (I agree), and he will seal the election with one more indictment. That apparent lunacy is supported by his increasing dominance in GOP polls as the indictments pile up.

Also, another indictment is coming within 2 weeks in Georgia, leading to his claim of “strength”. Will the coming convictions alter this picture (one is coming in DC, and well before the election)? OJ is the favorite to seal the GOP nomination, but unlikely to win the presidential election. As many loyalists as he has, OJ has more opponents who will turn out to prevent his return.

WSJ: How OJ is fleecing his followers for legal fees: . Sadly, this is legal.

Neuroscientist says MAGA is the largest and most dangerous cult in American history: . And of course Mr. Norrholm is right. You don’t need to be a neuroscientist to see this.

Webb Telescope examines a galaxy with low metallicity: . We may learn how and when stars start to create the heavier atomic elements – that is, the evolution of stardust.

Voyager 2 phones home: . JPL announced the reconnect on Friday.

Spain concedes weird own-goal in Women’s World Cup: . This is just crazy – watch the video midway through the article.

More on the Pac-12’s demise: . There is one point left out of all the reorganization talk. The Big 10/18 had an inside track on the top-tier Pac-12 schools because of the two leagues’ long ties through the Rose Bowl. When the Big 10 landed UCLA and USC last year, they were well on their way to gaining the other Pac-12 schools because of the established rivalries. Sadly, a college has to take the biggest money offered to stay competitive with other schools.

History shows the Pac-12 football programs have been consistently underrated because the games are not seen in the East. The Big 10/18 will change all that. As the article concedes, it is the dominant football conference under the new structure, and its new properties are likely to make it stronger still.

UPDATE: Oregon and Washington only get ½ shares of Big 18 revenues at the front end — $30 million, not $60 million: . This does not change the reporting or analysis above, but it is a big detail. USC and UCLA get full shares.

Comments from coaches: . For those of you not following the Pac-12 closely, Deion Sanders is the new coach at Colorado, the school whose move to the Big 12 set off all the other moves: . However, as mentioned here before, the Pac-12’s pathetic proposed media contract is the real mover behind the collapse.

WSJ: Harvard Law professor Charles J. Ogletree, Jr., passes at 70: . Ogletree distinguished himself in many ways, as this article details.