News for May 6 — Analysis of American COVID Deaths

Analysis of American COVID deaths: . Of the 1 million US deaths, 750,000 were people aged 65 or older. I wonder how this has affected the finances of Social Security, and of Medicare. Also, that analysis would be better handled based on excess deaths.

Moderna CEO fears COVID resurgence in the fall: . As readers know, the picture of waning immunity meeting variants increasingly able to evade antibodies is not an attractive one. However, that picture captures our future. So the only question is timing. There could certainly be a significant wave before fall (perhaps in the South, where people are indoors in the summer heat). WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Moderna wants patent lawsuit dismissed: .

Obesity weakens COVID vaccine protection: . This adds to our understanding that obesity is a major risk factor for severe COVID outcomes.

COVID hospitalizations rising nationally: . So spring is the remaining possibility for a surge. Of course, the hospitalizations are a lagging indicator for the rise in cases we’ve been seeing recently.

Severe children’s hepatitis surges in the US: . WSJ: More: .

US added 428,000 jobs in April: . But strong job growth suggests the Fed will continue to rapidly raise interest rates. WSJ: More: .

Former fed official suggests Fed must raise rates to at least 3.5%: . That’s 275 basis points from the current 0.75%. The article also suggests we will see 50 basis point increases at both the June and July meetings, getting us to 1.75% in two months.

German manufacturing drops 3.9% from March to April: . So the US economy looks to have the strongest growth of the major economies for the remainder of 2022.

Ukrainians reportedly strike another Russian warship: . These high-profile successes create a stream of embarrassments for Putin.

Russian troops sabotage their own tanks: . Apparently, this is the troops’ method of refusing orders.

Biden puts the kibosh on US media plants about our intelligence helping the Ukrainians: . Biden has this exactly right.

Hate politics meets abortion: . This seems like a major problem for the GOP. Politicians have argued this issue in the public square for decades. People believe a woman should have control over her own body. However, the conservative-packed Supreme Court now intends to take away that right. As you sow, so shall you reap.

OJ wanted missile strikes in Mexico against drug cartels: . Even in the Rain of Stupidity known as OJ’s presidency, this is a singularly ignorant and absurd plan.

Today was the last day for Oath Keepers to enter plea negotiations over January 6 charges: .

Texas State Bar sues Texas Attorney General: . The only reason for such a suit would be allegations of professional misconduct. As far as I know, this type of action (a state bar suing its attorney general) is unprecedented. More: .