News for March 11 — Adults Vaccine Eligible by May 1

Adults vaccine eligible by May 1: . WSJ: More: . The difference in tone from the last 4 years was phenomenal. The contrast between competence and idiocy could hardly be greater. And the predominant pronoun was “you”, not “I”. Still, the variants could turn this optimism and empathy on its head.

20% have lost someone close in pandemic: . What a horrifying statistic. And the pandemic is not over.

The global perspective: . In order to unravel nationalism in this country, Biden has had to outperform the prior nationalist in order to get this country back on track. We have not yet fully returned to the world stage. We are making incredibly fast progress.

Vaccine hesitancy holds back millions of Americans: . This is why public education efforts are still needed.

Pfizer vaccine cuts asymptomatic transmission, effective against UK variant: . We eagerly await reliable data on its effect on the South African variant.

Novavax vaccine delivers impressive results against original virus, UK variant: . WSJ: More: Novavax’s Covid-19 Vaccine Effective in U.K. Study – WSJ . But there is a significant drop-off against the South African variant. Think booster shots …  

AstraZeneca vaccine has more setbacks throughout Europe: . The number of difficulties this vaccine has encountered is quite surprising. It currently does not look like a long-term winner in this race.

J&J vaccine recommended by EU regulator: . WSJ: More: .

Issues around the J&J vaccine: . It is going to be hard to overcome the top-line number of 66% efficacy. Strategically, its strength against variants may become very important. One-and-done is a significant advantage. A public education campaign would seem advisable.

Immune response research: . These results seem rather clear that the single-dose approach is acceptable for persons who’ve previously had COVID, but others need the second dose. This is in line with widespread reporting that side effects are more common with the second dose.

Eli Lilly is garnering bad quality control press at exactly the wrong time: . Same with Pfizer: .

70% of employees believe vaccination should be mandatory before returning to the office: .

Airline tells employees: Take free vaccine shot or pay for regular testing: . When you think about hours-long confinement in a flying tube with hundreds of others, repeatedly, this makes a lot of sense.

COVID antiviral research races ahead: . Very interesting technical information on the virus and the techniques used to identify effective antivirals.

Virginia Kroger administers empty syringes instead of vaccine: . How is this even possible? Did they inject air into these people? I’d find another pharmacy yesterday.

Fauci says mixed messaging drove COVID death toll: .

The COVID year in review: . “We came up small every time.”

WSJ: Vaccine appointment booking tips: Tech Tips to Help Score a Covid-19 Vaccine Appointment at CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens and More – WSJ . Thanks to a kind reader who pointed out this link to me.

Tanzania’s COVID denier may be its next victim: .

Another graphic depiction of the COVID relief package: . Notice that the expanded child tax credit could cost $110 billion over its year of operation. More: . The permanent increase will be attacked as an incentive for poor people to have children. The one-year temporary benefit does not raise this issue.

Fifteen new phrases created by the pandemic: .

WSJ: Weekly jobless claims decline to 712,000: U.S. Jobless Claims Ease as Hiring Picks Up – WSJ . Still, the numbers remain at historic levels.

WSJ: The Texas power mess continues: . How does the monitor revise its original estimate downward by 80%? Does anyone associated with the Texas grid know what they are doing? There are still many market participants and customers who face bankruptcy over this fiasco.

WSJ: The politics of the stimulus bill: The Covid-19 Relief Bill Has Passed. Now Biden and the GOP Both Plan to Tell Voters What’s in It. – WSJ .

The House’s legislative agenda: . As the article notes, these legislative efforts do not fit into the requirements to pass through reconciliation. As to 60 votes in the Senate, most of these bills are likely to fall short. The chances of the Democrats picking up 10 seats in 2022 are essentially zero. Thus, all eyes will return to eliminating the filibuster. The pressure on Manchin and Sinema will be enormous. Partial elimination, such as for voting rights legislation, is a possibility.

In my view, HR 1 is the critical legislative fight of the Biden administration. However, there may be bills on this list that Manchin and Sinema may personally support. Schumer may bring those bills forward sooner to give them a chance to support Democratic priorities. The expected infrastructure bill is not on this list. Infrastructure is a bill that could pass through reconciliation, and is also the bill most likely to gain some Republican support. Its timing in the House is part of this larger political landscape.

Democrats will not forget that in 2008, Obama had a supermajority in the Senate. The passage of ACA, Obama’s signature accomplishment, was jeopardized by Ted Kennedy’s death. That possibility is out there every day for the 50-vote majority, and it is at risk in 2 years in 2022. This is why Biden and Harris are embarking on a publicity tour for the stimulus bill. It could be the major legislative accomplishment of his administration, unless the filibuster is modified.

Update: The bills on background checks for guns have passed the House: . More: .

Georgia Republicans object to strings attached to coronavirus relief aid: . The purpose of the federal aid is to maintain state and local government services, you dimwits. That “string” is not a flaw, it’s policy. Shut the hell up and use this opportunity to help your citizens.

More on Republican tax cuts: . Look at the incredible infographic in this analysis. The Biden relief plan delivers almost all of its benefits to the lowest paid Americans. OJ’s tax cut delivered almost all of its benefits to the ultra-rich. We know who needs the help.

Merrick Garland arrives at DOJ: . How bizarre it is that an attorney general tells the DOJ staff to adhere to norms, and it is interpreted as a swipe at the prior administration. Norms are the basis of the rule of law. And yet, here we are.

Former Pentagon chief says insurrection would not have happened without the OJ rally speech: . The powerful case made by Democrats in the recent impeachment will come up repeatedly as the government takes down the insurrectionists.

Oath Keeper presents a not-normal defense: . Rule 1 for any trial: Do not piss off the judge. Unless the defense attorney has extensive knowledge of this judge, insulting the police over your successful breach of the Capitol is unhelpful to the defendant.

Another Oath Keeper indicted: . As noted yesterday, the government is particularly focused on organized elements in the insurrection. The Oath Keepers are clearly front and center. WSJ: More on Garland’s first day: .

Judge reinstates 3rd degree murder charge for officer accused of killing George Floyd: . This trial has every possibility of reigniting racial unrest nationwide. The judge’s ruling came after the Minnesota Supreme Court refused to get involved. This left an appellate ruling in place which ordered the judge to reconsider the charge in relation to recent precedents of the appellate court. WSJ: More: .

Acid indigestion over China: . With the length of time required to retool the military, we cannot meaningful change this outcome during the Biden presidency. We have bigger problems with China than North Korea and intellectual property rights.

Another media exit in the UK: . “News” is now “news and entertainment”. The fundamental problem is, crap sells. When the focus becomes personalities rather than facts, civilization loses.

You may have noticed in yesterday and today’s newsletter that some WSJ links are now in words, like a headline, rather than the standard https format. WSJ made some change to this feature on the evening of March 10. I am unclear if it will be permanent. The underlying rationale on why there are two forms of links is not obvious. I will pursue this matter with WSJ as time permits, and report back on any insights.