News for November 27 — Abionic COVID-19 Severity Test

Abionic COVID-19 severity test: . This blood test allows doctors to assess the risk a patient faces of severe COVID-19 within minutes, and triage them appropriately.

WSJ: Vaccine trials may suffer as volunteers drop out: . This has a quite valid logic. Since the pandemic continues to rage, additional volunteers could be sought to perfect the data already collected.

WSJ: US exceeds 90,000 hospitalizations, sets record for 17th consecutive day: . Each day we have a new, more startling statistic about how widespread and deadly the pandemic has become in the US. Lack of staffed beds will lead to increasing COVID-19 mortality if the advances in care cannot be delivered.

WSJ: Rural hospitals losing their lifelines to larger hospitals: .

WSJ: United begins shipping Pfizer vaccine: .

WSJ: COVID-19 strikes PPE makers: . This is strong evidence that the virus is more strategic than the US government. Up next: Scott Atlas vs. dirt.

WSJ: States consider Medicaid cuts as enrollment surge pressures budgets: . This seems ripe for inclusion in an appropriate stimulus package.

WSJ: The Class of 2020 looks for work: . Ouch. Coding in the basement is now a good gig. “Failure to Launch” was a comedy, right? It pains me to see these young people go forth into the new abnormal …

WSJ: Lack of doctors makes Eastern Europe vulnerable to COVID-19: .

WSJ: UK asks emergency review of Oxford vaccine: . The half-dose/dose strategy is causing problems because of the limited data associated with the “error” vaccination group.

European Central Bank sets guidance for return to bank dividends: . Resilience means that the bank can show its balance sheet will remain solid under stress.

Indonesia faces major logistical challenges for COVID-19 vaccination: . Indonesia has also faced significant vaccine skepticism in the recent past: .

WSJ: India’s economy shrinks: .

WSJ: Fixing Trump’s payroll tax deferral: . Idiotic policy is hard to fix.

How do we solve a security problem like Trump?: . This really is a set of problems we’ve never faced. The Deutsche Bank connection is particularly troublesome, as made clear by this story in today’s WSJ: .

Here’s more background on these issues: . And: .

The WSJ take on Diego Maradona: . Is this article some sort of WSJ parody? Substitute “Trump” for “Maradona” and “liberal elite” for “England” and you may see what I mean. As Maradona died Wednesday, this focus on the English tabloid reaction strikes me as quite distasteful. Maradona had his faults. WSJ’s are greater.