News for November 21 — Just Let People Die from COVID

Just let people die from COVID: . Sunak sounds very much like Orange Julius here. This is what now passes for a conservative globally …

Drinking coffee to prevent COVID: . Uh-huh. Science news from Fox would not rank in my top 10,000 sources for news. The newly updated vaccines seem like a better preventive measure, at least to those not drinking the MAGA Kool-Aid.

Births increase in states with abortion bans: . Note that the increases are highest in states where women have the farthest distance to travel to obtain an out-of-state abortion. The GOP war on women’s rights and poor women continues.

WSJ: Accounting firms continue to struggle with what business they’re in: . This is pretty simple. Accounting is boring, but it carries a guaranteed income stream. Consulting is sexy, but it requires a creative talent not needed for most accounting functions. There will be ongoing stress under any roof housing both businesses.

More legal fun for Bayer with its Monsanto acquisition: . Here is yet another reason that the Monsanto acquisition was a historically stupid corporate move.

OpenAI rehires Sam Altman, dumps board: . And speaking of historically stupid corporate moves, here’s one that got completely reversed over one weekend. WSJ: More: . Still more: . Also: . Plus: . And then: . As usual, the Journal never really caught up to the story today …

WSJ: Another huge shoe drops in crypto: . Both of the leading crypto promoters now face significant jail time.

Israel, Hamas strike deal for release of hostages: . Hamas will release 50 of the 200+ hostages, while Israel will free 150 Palestinian prisoners. Priority will be given to the release of children. Also, there will be a 4 day ceasefire. WSJ: More: .

WSJ: Netanyahu resists calls to attack Hezbollah: . People are actually suggesting that Israel start a two-front war? That is an insane idea that would give Iran an excuse to enter this conflict. Israel needs to remain focused on Hamas. If they eliminate Hamas (unlikely), then they can consider attacking Hezbollah (still a really dumb idea). If they can’t eliminate Hamas (more likely), that will demonstrate the ridiculousness of the Hezbollah attack idea.

Two more House members announce their retirements: .

Ex-OJ Inc. exec “very proud” of his work: . Uh-huh. Except he said he was not involved in the financial statement commentary, which was not true, and the prosecutors caught him in the lie. So what is it you’re proud of?

Nevada GOP screws up its primary: .