News for October 25 — Testing for Cancers in Blood

Testing for cancers in blood: WSJ: .

High metal levels in chocolates: . A timely warning arrives before Halloween next week.

UAW announces tentative deal with Ford: . Typically, the other automakers settle when one reaches a deal. But as this has not been a typical strike, we will have to await more news. WSJ: More: . Interestingly, the Union wants workers to go back to Ford now, while voting is in progress, to put pressure on the other two to settle.

WSJ: Hamas fighters trained in Iran before attack: . Meanwhile, Iran ramps up its rhetoric against the US: . Note that Israel fought on 4 fronts yesterday. Iran is apparently giving the orders.

WSJ: Update on Hamas hostages: .

“Supreme Court Justice Unethical” strikes again: . You knew which justice I was referring to without reading further, didn’t you? In a functioning democracy, Thomas would be impeached, convicted and tossed off the Court for his ongoing unethical behavior.

WSJ: More: . Thomas’ lawyer says Thomas did payback the loan in full. However, that’s clearly not what the documents from Welters say. Also, I would expect that Wyden did request Thomas’ tax documents from IRS, and knows the answer to his request to Thomas. I figured Wyden phrased the request as he did so that he was not accused of disclosing Thomas’ tax information.

House GOP elects MAGA Maniac as Speaker: . Every House GOP member bears responsibility for this ridiculous choice. However, the voters will not have that opportunity until November 2024. Apparently there are no moderates left in the GOP who see the advantages to the country of a bipartisan deal with Democrats over placing a literal nobody in charge. Here’s a start on knowing Mike Johnson: . More: . WSJ: More: . Still more: .

Fulton Count DA has discussed plea deals with at least 6 additional defendants in RICO case: . This pretty much tracks with my speculation yesterday. We do not know who approached who on the possibility of a deal. We do know plea deals have not been offered to everyone.

Orange Julius realizes Mark Meadows will fricassee his carcass: . The central question is whether this is just “he said, he said”, or Meadows talked to others about his concerns. The first person I would ask would be Cassidy Hutchinson. Again, Meadows’ flip alone is enough to sink OJ, but with all the meetings held on overthrowing the election, I expect Meadows made these comments to others.

OJ also apparently has nothing to hold over Meadows that compares to 5 years in prison, so he just complains about the disloyalty of flipping. Meadows has already made his choice. OJ meanwhile is risking more sanctions from Judge Chutkan.

Also, OJ earns a sanction in New York fraud trial: . As we have said before, stupidity knows no bounds. But here it costs $10,000. This represents a real and inappropriate risk for the court staff.

SBF to testify in his defense at trial: . Most defense counsel consider this ill-advised. WSJ: More: .

Mass shooter in Lewiston, Maine, kills at least 22: . This story has deteriorated with each new report; at 10:30 EDT, the shooter remains at large. WSJ: More: . LATE UPDATE: Police have identified Robert Card as a person of interest. Card is a trained firearms instructor, spent 2 months in a mental health facility in summer of 2023, and has reported hearing voices.