News for October 24 — Moderna COVID-flu Shot Final Trial

Moderna COVID-flu shot final trial: . This is an excellent approach to getting COVID shots into the population at least annually. I sincerely hope it works, for everyone’s safety.

Carnival misled passengers about COVID risk: . As readers know, my view is that these ships are floating Petri dishes.

WSJ: RSV infant drug in short supply:  .

WSJ: Georgia abortion ban upheld: .

Major advance in bladder cancer treatment: . This Phase 3 trial combining Padcev and Keytruda almost doubled the overall survival rate of advanced bladder cancer, from 16.1 months to 31.5 months. Padcev is an antibody drug-conjugate, which is targeted to the cancer much more effectively than traditional chemotherapy. The improvement in survival rate here is so dramatic that this should become the standard treatment once the FDA approves the drug.

The red state abortion BS: . Here’s the bottom line from this report. In the 17 states where abortion is totally banned or there is a 6-week limit, abortions from July 2022 to June 2023 dropped by 114,590 compared to the expected number. In the remaining states, abortions in the period increased by 116,790 compared to expected. It appears that in large part, the red states have exported their abortions, adding expense and reducing medical care in their states, but actually saving few fetuses. Political BS and religion do not belong in medicine.

Disease spreads in Gaza: . This is a likely outcome of depriving over a million people of shelter. The Gaza authorities report over 5,800 dead from the airstrikes, although some numbers, such as the deaths at the hospital parking lot hit by a shell, are apparently overstated. The Israelis claim at least 1,400 are dead, primarily from the initial attack. Together, this suggests 7,200 are dead. The expected Israeli ground invasion will likely raise the totals on both sides significantly. WSJ: Gaza’s humanitarian crisis: .

Israel willing to delay ground invasion for a few days to seek hostage release: . Again, this makes the ground invasion more dangerous as Hamas has more time to prepare.

WSJ: Iran-inspired attacks on US military: .

UAW strikes another large, profitable plant: . This is beginning to look like a death match. Is government mediation necessary to get the two sides to narrow their differences? WSJ: More: .

Another Russian oligarch dies suddenly: . This one company produces 2% of the world’s crude oil. It is dangerous to sit on that type of wealth in Russia.

Jack Smith flips Mark Meadows: . Here in the nail in Orange Julius’ legal coffin the country needs. Without doubt, if Meadows flipped for Jack Smith on January 6 (where he is arguably the key witness), he will also flip for Fani Willis, especially if no jail time is part of the deal. Meadows must testify truthfully in these deals, which means OJ is toast in both cases.

WSJ: We dishonestly promote OJ lawyers’ legal fantasies: . These arguments have already been tried and rejected. The only meaningful word in this article: long-shot. As in, Judge Chutkan will steamroll this garbage.

The House GOP Speaker lunacy continues: . Tom Emmer becomes the third GOP nominee after Scalise and Jordan, but 25 to 26 members did not vote for him on the final ballot and 6 were not present (how can you be not present when you’ve shut down the Congress for 3 weeks?). The Hill gave25 opponents’ votes as follows: 15 voted for Jim Jordan (!); 4 voted for Mike Johnson, who was Emmer’s main opponent on the previous ballot and who endorsed Emmer before the vote; 1 voted for Byron Donalds; and 5 voted present. This was filed at 2:30 pm EDT Tuesday (because the link is being live updated, I’m not including it).

Also, the 6 absent members need to show up, because the GOP majority shrinks without them. But again, if you’re in the building, why aren’t you participating?

Supposedly the conference previously agreed as a group to support the winner of these ballots. They still expect to take this to the floor later today. We will see. If things got close to fisticuffs previously, this could get ugly. Meanwhile, Congress cannot pass aid to Israel or Ukraine, and the 45 days available to avoid a government shutdown has been cut in half. Oh, and Orange Julius, who said he was trying to stay out of this, came out after the vote in opposition to Emmer (posted at 2:48 pm EDT). OJ must think he has the votes to stop this – he only needs 5 …

UPDATE: Emmer withdraws from Speaker race (posted 5:30 pm EDT). OJ’s opposition was based on Emmer’s vote to certify the 2020 election. The “moderate” GOP members need to seek a deal with the Democrats, because the GOP caucus is broken in a way that appears unmendable.

FURTHER UPDATE: House GOP elects a fourth Speaker-nominee, Mike Johnson: . And immediately, the boo-birds emerge. Johnson, of course, lost earlier in the day to Tom Emmer, who withdrew within hours. So now we must wait until Wednesday to see how this plays out. But I have to believe some moderates are threatening to discuss things with the Democrats. The House GOP is utterly dysfunctional. Sane people realize this is not good for the country, or the party. OJ, of course, does not care.

George Clooney producing documentary on Jim Jordan wrestling scandal: .

More about Johnson: . Note that Republicans are following a “lowest vote-getter out” format, as suggested here two days ago. But without the pledge to then vote for the winner on the floor, this is a meaningless process, as we are seeing in real time. Johnson is a low-level member with no leadership experience, but as the article details, he was the “architect” of the House GOP’s Electoral College arguments. So revolting …

GOP’s hypocrisy goes completely over the top: . Just to be clear, the GOP denies leaking the sex scandal about the Democratic candidate. So then they mail explicit material to voters’ home, with the warning label, Do Not Open If Under 18. Isn’t that worse than leaking the scandal?

Jenna Ellis becomes Georgia’s Flipper No. 4: . Note that Jenna Ellis was Orange Julius’ “senior legal advisor” for about 2 years, from February 2019 to January 2021. However, Ellis was extremely critical of OJ and his supporters until OJ became the GOP nominee: . Putting career advancement ahead of what you know to be true is the road to hell, as it has been for so many in the GOP. And now, 15 defendants remain. I expect the Georgia flipper pod to grow – note that 3 of the first 4 flippers are lawyers. Also note that none are serving prison time, but all have received 5 or more years of probation. More: .

Ellis had a less-than-distinguished legal career. She received her JD in 2011, and went to work as a Colorado deputy district attorney. She was fired after about 6 months for “mistakes”: . At 38, Ellis is essentially finished as a lawyer.

UPDATE: Mark Meadows will certainly flip in Georgia, giving us 5 flippers and 14 remaining defendants. Here is the list of all 19: . There at least 5 people in the 14 who are small fish and could be allowed to flip, although those who personally intimidated the election worker will likely face some prison time.

There are also at least 5 people who are bigger fish and face prison time, and therefore will likely not be allowed to flip – lawyers Rudy Giuliani and John Eastman, elected Georgia officials and false electors Shawn Still and Cathy Latham, and Georgia Republican Party chairman and false elector David Shafer. As these people face the 5 year mandatory minimum sentence, I expect OJ will face a prison term of 10 to 20 years. Again, under current Georgia law, the governor can only take actions of pardon after completion of the 5 year minimum term.

My take on the defendants’ table is that Willis should let the little fish off, and just have the more senior defendants at the trial. You do not want the jury feeling any sympathy for the little fish defendants.

Michael Cohen testifies in NY fraud case: . In the original AP post, not currently available, these details appeared at the end of the story. OJ attorney Chris Kise argued that a courtroom microphone had been infected with COVID by Letitia James’ staff, and that it would be “irresponsible” for the judge not to delay the trial. As we know, COVID does not survive long on surfaces. Judge Engoron told the OJ contingent they could wear masks if they were concerned, but no one donned a mask. The use of “irresponsible” violates Rule No. 1. Tension with the judge continues. WSJ: More: .

Chris Kise goes overboard, drawing laughter from the courtroom observers: . Unprofessional …

Politics aren’t perfect on the Democratic side, either: . So the Democrats and Biden’s campaign decided to make South Carolina first. The rules justification is not the real story. Biden will likely win by write-in in New Hampshire anyway. The New Hampshire Secretary of State’s complaint looks like he wants an easier job counting ballots. Go fish …

Jupiter’s jet stream: . The increasing sophistication of our astronomical observations is astounding. It was 1543 when Copernicus described his radical theory that the Earth was not the center of the universe, but rather rotated around the sun. We found Jupiter’s jet stream less than 500 years later.

Diamondbacks shock Phillies, win Game 7 4-2: . Now the Diamondbacks (who?) face the Rangers in an all-wild-card World Series. As I asked after the sweeps in the wild card games, what is the point of the regular season?

Richard Roundtree, star of “Shaft”, passes at 81: . I’m talkin’ ‘bout Shaft …