News for October 23 — COVID Vaccines Hard to Find

COVID vaccines hard to find: . We put a man on the moon 54 years ago, in 1969. In 2023, we can’t effectively distribute a COVID vaccine after 4 previous rounds. This really is ridiculous …

Induction chemotherapy is breakthrough for cervical cancer: .

The search for immortality: . We would all like to believe this will occur in our lifetimes. Personally, I believe the biological limitations are not insurmountable. However, it will be decades at least before we can halt or even reverse the aging process.

Junk food as addictive as cigarettes or heroin: . So if you needed a reason not to eat junk food, here you go.

WSJ: UAW strike expands to Stellantis’ Ram truck plant: . This plant is a huge contributor to Stellantis’ profits. As we’ve noted here before, each additional week of strikes hurts both sides, with the pain now increasing exponentially.

Iran encourages militias to attack US troops: .

Blinken says US will respond if US forces intentionally targeted: .

US privately seeks delay of Israeli invasion of Gaza to seek more hostage releases: . We all know the Hamas tunnels in Gaza must be destroyed, a very difficult technical challenge. So each day of delay allows Hamas additional time to lay traps for the Israeli ground troops. WSJ: More: .

Red Cross says Hamas released two more hostages : . The two are Israeli women believed to be in their 80’s.

Of the 9 GOP candidates for Speaker, only 2 voted to certify the 2020 election: . This issue was one of the things that sank Jordan. My suggestion yesterday of “lowest out” voting would keep this important issue front and center. As Emmert is one of the 2, and also has the most experience in leadership, he should head to the front of the pack. Of course, that applies logic to the House GOP … my bad …

Orange Julius declines to endorse GOP Speaker candidate: . OJ says he’s trying to stay above it. Well, sure, after his Jim Jordan endorsement bombed. Loser, loser, loser … WSJ: More: .

Moon’s formation dated from 1972 moon landing rocks: . As the article notes, the formation of the moon made the Earth habitable. Beyond that, think of the importance of the tides …

More on Michigan State’s Hitler pre-game scoreboard disaster: . So MSU took a quiz off the Internet, which is provided free of charge. However, no one looked at the 40-minute video in its entirety before posting it on the scoreboard. Obviously, in retrospect that was a dangerous thing to do.

However, it was an absurd lack of care in the first place. Any number of perfectly acceptable quiz questions could have been offensive in the context of a Michigan State scoreboard posting preceding its game with Michigan. For example, What is the highest-ranked university in Michigan? Answer: University of Michigan. The employee is on paid leave for the Hitler gaffe. But he or she would have been fired for the Michigan question.

Rangers pummel Astros 11-4 to advance to World Series: . While some of these games were not great baseball, the AL championship series did go 7 games. Meanwhile, the NL series heads to Game 7 as the Diamondbacks pummel the Phillies 5-1: .